Climate Action and Sustainability Plan June 2021 | Page 46

improved through diversification efforts throughout the grounds . Maintenance plans are in place to ensure the integrity and productivity of these diverse ecosystems . An important piece of maintenance is knowing what plant material removal should be delayed at the end of the growing season or left for habitat completely . The seed heads of many flowering plants provide winter food sources to a variety of wildlife . While this may go against the common expectations for crisp and clean grounds , it does provide an opportunity to educate and advocate for wildlife habitat conservation . Hazard trees and branches in most areas must be taken down to ensure public safety . However , Mount Auburn does have designated spaces where fallen branches and trees are allowed to remain in place . An example of this is the steep slopes of Consecration Dell , which is a natural hollow in the center of the cemetery . Here , woody material helps reduce erosion on the hilly slopes and provides habitat for fungi growth as well as cover for invertebrates , amphibians and small mammals . As a log decomposes , it also increases organic matter in the soil .
Mount Auburn has been a long-time destination for birders and more recently has become a living laboratory for biodiversity research in an urban area , with an emphasis on climate studies . The implementation of a citizen science naturalist program has provided the Cemetery an avenue to educate and engage the public with programs for all ages that have not only created a pool of well-trained research assistants , but has established a strong science community that extends outside of Mount Auburn to local elementary and high schools , home school networks and institutions of higher learning .
The Cemetery has been listed as an “ Important Bird Area ” by the Massachusetts Audubon Society because of its significance as a stop-over point for spring and fall migrants . Mount Auburn is home to many resident bird species as well . Food , hydration , cover and nests sites are available throughout the landscape . Screech owls make use of tree cavities , great blue herons hunt in the shallow emergent zones that we have created in the ponds , and red-tailed hawks captain the sky in-order to snatch up small mammals from the grounds for nourishment .
Figure 2 - Screech owl in tree cavity
A diverse number of mammals reside at Mount Auburn . Eastern cottontails , gray squirrels , chipmunks , groundhogs , raccoons , voles , shrews , skunks , field mice , moles , weasels , muskrats , mink , fishers , flying squirrels , red fox and coyotes have all been observed . Predators and prey are wellrepresented and the food web follows its dynamic cycle throughout the seasons . An urban bat study has also been implemented . Currently , big brown bats , red bats , hoary bats and little brown myotis have been heard through bio-acoustic studies and / or captured and released during
Mount Auburn Cemetery | Climate Action & Sustainability Plan 41