Dwarf Fescues and Turf Alternatives Since the mid-1990s we have been targeting steep slopes , curb and fence lots , and other hard-tomow areas to replace the existing turf with either dwarf fescues or other more sustainable groundcovers . We experimented with various dwarf fescue seed mixes on slopes in the historic core , and at first found them to be successful in eliminating the need to mow and enhancing the desired 19 th -century appearance . Since we generally avoid using any broadleaf weed control , however , weeds became increasingly unsightly before the fescues could become fully established , causing complaints from lot owners . We initially hand-pulled weeds as necessary , but this became too labor intensive . We have more recently installed fescue sod in selected areas , which appears promising so we will continue to experiment with these sods .
We have also used a number of naturalistic meadow-like turf alternatives such as Liriope spicata , Carex pensylvanica and Bouteloua gracilis , and these plantings are showing increasing promise .
Figure 3 . Dwarf fescues at Mountain Avenue
Figure 4 . Fescues at North Dell Meadows
Figure 5 . Liriope spicata on a slope that no longer requires mowing .
Curb / Fence Lots and Underground Tombs : There are a total of 640 burial lots where granite curbing , iron fencing or underground tombs present both safety and maintenance challenges for
Mount Auburn Cemetery | Climate Action & Sustainability Plan 37