Climate Action and Sustainability Plan June 2021 | Page 21

Generating clean electricity on-site and purchasing renewable electricity are two ways to reach carbon-neutrality . With the purchases of New England Class1 renewables and the installation of the solar panels at the Operations Center representing about 70 % of the Operations Center electricity use , total electricity use at Mount Auburn will easily reach net zero by 2050 . Effectively , it already does .
Would it be possible for Mount Auburn to generate all of its own electricity without relying on the grid ? In the long run , this change could be a cost-saving measure . For every kWh used for charging a new vehicle , piece of equipment , or even a new heating system , Mount Auburn needs to be cognizant of the source of the electricity that is needed to support the transition to a carbonneutral future . The combined purchase of New England Class1 renewables and on-site generation is a superb solution .
Mount Auburn Cemetery | Climate Action & Sustainability Plan 16