cake &
e’ve been engaged for three wonderful
years, yes I know, I sound all mushy already.
From our first meeting in the coffee shop, I
was taken aback by Olivia, quite apart from the
scalding physical reaction! Olivia is the lady for
me, and that was my first guess, proven over
time as we began to date, further proven when
she accepted my proposal and now, the
time she reads this we’ll be married.
I was asked by our chief briesmaid to write a
little something for this magazine, and I suppose I feel a bit awkward now talking about
something so personal, but I know it’s going to
work out just fine as this magazine goes out to
those who’ve helped us, supported us and loved
us over the years, and I’m happy to tell you all
how I feel!
As a Grooom, i know I wasn’t the major planner in this wedding, it’s a Bride thing with her
chosen assistants really, but I’ve been amazed
and humbled by all the efforts that various folk
have made to give us a day to remember, thank
you so much to all those involved, you know
who you are!
n the kitchen I can hear John tapping out his
peice for this magazine, his typing style sounds
like a mouse stumbling on stairs, but I can’t
wait to see what he’s written.
Thanks to my chief bridesmaid Sarah, who got
in touch with Lisa and Neil our photographers
to come up with this magazine. I’m very slightly nervous what she’ll have found to include,
but I am certain it will be a lovely, maybe funny
record of our special day and the people who
helped make it so memorable.
I’d like to offer my thanks, even before the day,
to the following people (in no particular order)
Mum, Sarah, Vanessa the cake maker, Bury
Bridal Rooms for making my dress so beautiful, Duke for helping me keep John organised,
and Miami for her enthusiasm every day! If the
day is as much fun as the arrangments, we’ll all
have a wonderful time.
As for John? I’m a lucky lady, and don’t believe
what he tells you all about me being clumsy...