Client Case: Linde

LINDE Global leader for industrial and medical gases and for engineering CHALLENGE · · · · Increase corporate digital maturity Identify and exploit potential for digitalization Provide digital solutions for all employees Long-term transformation In its Digital Base Camps, Linde has already developed a number of data- supported business ideas for increasing efficiency and turnover. Employees in production and sales have the core task of making these new solutions available to the entire company. In order to gain the level of digital maturity required for this task, Linde turned to goetzpartners. The aim was to make Linde’s digital transformation scalable. The approach taken by goetzpartners enables employees to proactively develop digital solutions, for Linde and for customers. The multi-level program includes elements such as boot camps, standardized collaboration, and more than 15 workshops where participants not only learn from successful SOLUTION solutions developed by others but also test their own solutions. From the workshop through to the development and presentation of a proto- type on Demo Day, goetzpartners supported Linde employees with their comprehensive expertise in the field of programmatic digital transforma- tion. Some of the solutions developed by the employees have already been implemented. goetzpartners structured the learning journey in a modular manner so that each level can be recalled on demand. In the community, employees are re- cruited as workshop coaches and help to continue developing business in a scalable manner. And the learning journey continues as many employees at Linde join the digital path. RESULT · · · Core business area transformed in a scalable manner Development and partial implementation of +20 initiatives Employees recruited as coaches for future digital projects Contact: [email protected] © goetzpartners, July 2019