Cleveland Uprising Magazine
September 2016
Not only is there a need for clear cleaning off of old buildings in and near downtown and keeping the streets from trash, but the types of businesses allowed to plant room, stay and effect the influence and image of the rest of Cleveland. There needs to be a clear very orderly way of creating policies that only allow businesses that effect the integrity and image that Cleveland is trying to achieve. If there is a family atttempting to do business in Cleveland, there has to be a clearly pure and safe atmosphere for that family to want to plant root here. This means any businesses deemed correptible by the city's governing body or voted on by the citizens can no longer plant root in Cleveland. However, there cannot be kicking out of businesses and more so creating a structure for those businesses to get cleaned up and even be more successful. Clear and cut the main fact is this, "If Cleveland wants to grow and create a Business Friendly environment for more outside investors to bove move in Cleveland, invest and stimulate the economy, there needs to be a clean non-corruptible atmosphere for those businesses to grow, be nurtured and develop. It is quite clear this is absolutely not the case in downtown at the moment and it 100 percent needs to be addressed and carried out immediately if Cleveland even thinks it has aspirations of continued growth and investment in its image and city.
Creating a healthy invironment at homeless shelters and an organized environent. There needs to be places for those in need to stay. We need to create better structure at places specifically like 2100 Lakeside and have it renovated and clean up for those in need. However, it needs to have clear and cut background checks on all who enter and stay there. This will ensure there are no criminals or those attempting to hideout and stray into our streets of Cleveland and corrupt our hard working integrity we have and are going to continue to grow in Cleveland. There should also be checks at the shelter near the Grey Houd Station as well and the Norma Herr shelter as well. This would give a clear and clean cut way of ensuring the rehabilitation of these individuals and not enabling them to destroy their lives and inviting the to freely corrupt our so hard worked changed image as of late.
However, possible job finding programs for these citizens locally can help them get on their feet and behavior check ups to ensure if they stay longer term at these shelters they are not causing issues for themselves and the community we call our loved Cleveland.
There also needs to be a few free parking garages built to bring people downtown to visit to pour into the business. This is an absolute necessity for free parking downtown.