Clearview Southern View - July 2024 | Page 4

UAP Limited is proud to sponsor Clearview ’ s SouthernView

Loyalty has no location

On a recent trip to China – to check out the new product about to launch – UAP Ltd ’ s CEO David Jennings caught up with one of his company ’ s suppliers . Run by Ward and Jane , UAP first started trading with Arctic 20 years ago . In David ’ s own words : “ Theirs is a story that shows what loyalty from friends , family and trading partners looks like .” But when the business folded early in 2022 , it looked like there was no coming back for Ward and Jane . Here ’ s how UAP and David helped them find their feet again …

“ When we first started working with Arctic , they were in a small factory ,” David starts “ They produced a fantastic product and Ward is the best product engineer I have ever met . Their business with UAP grew and eventually they bought land and built their own factory .
“ But during COVID they struggled to produce , and
it was difficult getting raw materials .
“ Two years ago they went bust . The 15 % interest on their new building didn ’ t stop and it was crippling . They lost everything , except a battered car and their German Shepherd . They ran from their problems , their debts and drove South with the hope of going overseas and starting again .”
Conventional business logic would say that should be the end of the story with UAP and Arctic . But David didn ’ t want to see two decades of business go down the drain and wanted to help the pair get back on their feet again .
“ Luckily I have them on WeChat and I had a long conversation with them ,” he continues . “ That day I made them a promise . I believe that in business my word is important , and if I make a promise I always keep to it . My promise to Jane and Ward was simple . Turn the car around . Return to face the creditors . If you do ,
then UAP will back you . They did just that .
“ We had a Zoom call with their workforce to tell them UAP would be backing them . We helped pay the workers , we paid a deposit , and a few months ’ rent on a modest house . We underwrote some of their supplies they needed to continue to work . We helped with a small building to start again . And we gave them enough work that they could handle .
“ On my most recent trip to China , I went to go and see them again . They still have a long way to go , but they are in a better place . They now employ
just 16 people . They make a fantastic product for us , and UAP is their only customer . They live in the same modest house , but they have done it up . They have wonderful friends and neighbours who also go to the factory to help them .
“ Their lives are different now . But I suspect a lot better . They are surrounded by staff who remained loyal , friends and neighbours who love them , and a family who adore them . And what they have achieved is incredible . Despite their past problems I am happy to call Ward and Jane my friends . I am incredibly proud of them .
“ UAP is not successful because we can design , buy and sell well . I believe that we are successful because we value our relationships with our partners , customers , suppliers and associates . And we stick by them through thick and thin – wherever in the world they may be .
“ I know I am going to be asked why would I tell you about Arctic . Am I not worried that they will simply supply others if they get approached ? But I know you know the answer already . This is what loyalty looks like .”
www . uapcorporate . com
4 JULY 2024