There is increasing interest in solid roofs for conservatories
– one of the potential growth areas for the conservatory
industry. This comes as no surprise, with an estimated
three million existing conservatory installations across
the UK, many of them having dated polycarbonate glazing
that is too hot in summer and too cold in winter.
But there is some confusion
in the market regarding what
the installer needs to consider
regarding planning and building
regulations when changing from
a translucent roof to a solid roof.
We are indebted to Paul Saltis of
Connaught Conservatory Roofs
Ltd, for his detailed article in this
issue, in which he helps clarify
what the installer needs to do
when changing from a translucent
to a solid roof.
The government’s revamp
of the controversial Green
Deal, the Green Deal Home
Improvement Fund - providing
grants of up to £7,600 against
energy efficiency measures such
as insulation, new boilers and
double glazing – will be launched
this month. This replaces the
original Green Deal under which
households borrowed money
to fund improvements and
repaid it through their energy
bills. Take-up of the latter was
disappointing – despite a £125m
cashback incentive – and it was
widely criticised for its complexity
and cost. The new scheme,
which reimburses up to 75 per
cent of the cost of qualifying
improvements provided certain
conditions are met, is also
available to private or social
landlords. It will be interesting to
see if it fares any better than its
Congratulations to Solidor and
its MD Gareth Mobley,