Clearview National October 2019 - Issue 215 | Seite 3

O C TO B E R 2 0 1 9 » I S S U E 2 1 5 CONTENTS 08 08 DHF SAYS ‘DO BETTER’ DHF implores industry to ‘do better’ with training and compliance after tragic accident. 14 26 24 14 INSIDE OUTLET Seven things you never knew about the ins and outs of Conservatory Outlet and its Network. 24 ON THE FENSA A day in the life of Director of Membership’s Chris Beedel from his first 2 ½ years at FENSA. 26 BETTER BY ASSOCIATION The brand new, clear view of our industry’s associations’ and organisations’ activities and achievements. 42 TEA AT TITAN “A grand brand with very big ideas, a bright future…” Clearview takes a trip to Titan Trade Windows. 61 61 REACH FOR THE SKY Guardian Warm Roof announce exclusive partnership with roof window brand VELUX. 73 SAFE IN THE KNOWLEDGE Winlock’s Alan Parker gives his ‘Future Forecast’ during National Home Security Month. 80 ONE & ONLY Thinking of setting up as a sole trader? Here’s everything you need to know before you do. 80 73 BI-FOLD DOORS LANTERN PG5 PG7 PG9 MFT - CLearview_contents_banner_180.6x12.6.indd 1 15/10/2018 07:40 Editor Gemma Emmerson [email protected] 01226 321 450 Sales Director Steve Sidebottom [email protected] 01226 321 450 Sales Manager Andy Davies [email protected] 01226 321 450 PR Enquiries Emma Goodinson [email protected] 01226 321 450 Director Rob Exley [email protected] Production Manager Tom Cartledge [email protected] Accounts Enquiries Sharon Watson [email protected] Fax Your Enquiry 01226 730 825 Finance Director Ryan Exley [email protected] Graphic Design Charlotte Armstrong [email protected] Administration Deb Sidebottom [email protected] All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronically or mechanically without the consent of Clearview Group Limited. Whilst every effort is made to ensure accuracy, this publication does not accept liability for errors, printing or otherwise appearing in this publication. The views expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the editor or publisher. Clearview distribute 12,682 trade magazines monthly across the UK. ISSN 1745-0985 Head Office Unit 2-3 Burleigh Court, Burleigh Street, Barnsley, S70 1XY FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @clearviewmag C L E A RV I E W-U K . C O M » O CT 2019 » 3