Clearview National October 2018 - Issue 203 | Page 17
The I.T. Crowd
Hallmark Panel Ltd’s Scott Chapman
speaks to Clearview about how his IT
based systems are helping the company’s
rapid expansion. He talks about his love
of coffee, rugby and how Hallmark Now
is just the start of a much bigger project.
Name/job title:
Scott Chapman, IT &
Operations Director at Hallmark
Panels Ltd.
When did you join (or
start) the company?
April 2017.
Describe your working
day (from the time you
leave the house, etc.)
I arrive at work at 6.20am
every day, and start with a coffee.
In fact, I love it so much that I
have my own coffee machine in
my office. I check for any system
issues and then check for any
anomalies reported back from
suppliers regarding the automated
purchases; these streamline the
productivity of ordering and the
factory based manufacturing.
One of my major roles
is creating real time business
intelligence and refining the
production operations using
software like Visual Studio and
Microsoft SQL server. This
enables the management team
to make decisions based on real
time financial data and allows
other automated operations i.e.
purchasing material. Behind
the scenes of the business
intelligence there is a fully
restructured financial system
which is fundamental to the
operations of an extremely active
business. Product codes and bills
of material are the backbone for
IT systems and help streamline
order processing, transport,
manufacturing, customer service,
and most importantly finance.
What is your workspace
like? (tidy/organised etc.)
Because I am working with
such large quantities of important
data I require a multi-screen set
up so that I can see the whole
picture. This workflow enables me
effectively manage my workloads
and make decisions quickly.
First thing you do when
you get to your desk?
I start by checking daily
production and the supplies/
material needed for future
production. I also spend
significant time working on the
logistics, planning, preparation,
beta testing for next stages of the
Hallmark Now project.
What websites help you?
It might sound a bit strange for
an IT Director, but I don’t really
have a favourite website, however
it is software that I use on a daily
basis which are fundamental to
my work.
Most useful business tool?
(Sat nav/apps etc.)
We manufacture thousands of
different products. All of which
start from a quotation or an order
and there are millions of different
combinations of products we
offer. The whole production line
from marketing to ordering,
and manufacturing to transport,
and finance to accounts has
to be a well-managed working
operation. Staff and customers
can source information if required
at any part of the process line.
That is where databases, servers
and reporting services such
as Microsoft Excel, Microsoft
SQL server and SQL Reporting
services come into their own.
We have an elegant and
contemporary website and door
designer along with marketing
campaigns that show off our
range. However, this front
facing content is all pointless if
there isn’t a robust system and
infrastructure in place to manage
the ever-growing customer base
and increasing orders. So, in
essence, my role is the ‘nuts and
bolts’ behind the scenes work,
building that entire system from
the ground up.
Having this volume of data
enables me to make key financial
and productivity efficiencies for
the business, these efficiencies
allow us to continue our growth
plan and reinvest in product and
system innovations.
Best business decision
in your current role?
Developing and implementing
the Hallmark Now project
has been the highlight so far.
Currently, you are able to
design composite doors, receive
instant prices, save quotes and
place orders 24/7. Phase 2 has
also just been completed with
implementation of instant
online payments. There is also
a homeowner version, which
has enabled us to enhance our
reputation and visibility with
homeowners across the country.
With homeowners now asking the
trade for Hallmark doors rather
than the decision purely being
the trade customers personal
preference. The door designers
enables end users to source
Hallmark and make a more
informed decision.
This is just the tip of the
iceberg though, as we intend
to continue adding bolt-ons,
such as more ordering options,
account management, product
lines, promotions, order tracking,
and a few more exciting ideas we
would like to keep up our sleeves
for now.
Favourite role
models and why?
For me, it has to be the Rugby
Union referee Nigel Owens; a
man who has to make critical
instant decisions in a busy
environment, which have a
massive impact on the overall
outcome. He doesn’t shy away
or back down in the face of
difficult decisions and lives by his
How do you unwind?
As you may have gathered
I have love rugby, I get to
Twickenham when I can and am
a season ticket holder for Hull
FC. Currently reading Man on
Fire by AJ Quinell.
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