Clearview National November 2019 - Issue 216 | Page 26

DIRECTOROFTHEMONTH ‘T’ for two November’s Director of the Month, Leigh Titchener, talks working with his wife, football – and fancy footwork – with the family, investment and the internet, and, why it’s nearly time for his annual office tidy up… Name/job title: Leigh Titchener – Managing Director Titan Trade Windows When did you join (or start) the company? 2004 Describe your working day... Some days I leave at 7.00am and go straight to the gym; on others I leave a 8.00am and go straight to the office. My working day is broken up into meetings with suppliers and staff as well as speaking with customers on more demanding projects to assist in delivering their vision. I also like to get out of the office from time to time to meet some of the long- standing customers who trade with us. What is your workspace like? Haha! I would say tidy but my wife Lisa who is the Accounts Director would disagree. I must admit I do allow things to build up around my desk and then occasionally (just before Christmas) I have a good clear up. First thing you do when you get to your desk? We have quite an open plan office so normally I’ll have a chat with the staff about whatever was happening the night before - for example if there was a football match on we’ll talk about that and agree to disagree depending who they support. The first actually work I do is open my emails. What websites help you? Suppliers’ website can be a big help if they are easy to navigate and have all of the relevant information available. That is what we try to achieve with our website as they can be a really useful tool if they are done right. 26 » N OV 2019 » CL EARVI E W- UK . C O M Most useful business tool? The internet. There is so much information available out there regarding the products and services suppliers offer as well as information on potential customers and the products they offer, for example if we have a company looking to come on board with us I always look at their website to get a feel for the company and the products they offer so they get the most from us as a supplier. Best business decision in your current role? Investment into the business, whether it be new machinery or the recruitment of key members of staff. In the beginning it can be difficult to invest but as the business grows it’s vital, having the right machinery improves the efficiently of production and quality of product, having good motivated staff improves organisation and service which benefits the customer but just as importantly it helps me as the business owner because if I have staff who can take responsibility for the day to day running of the business it gives me the freedom to drive the business forwards at a faster pace. Favourite role models and why? In business probably Lord Sugar, I’ve read his autobiography which is an inspiration to any businessman. I’m sure most readers know his story starting out as a market trader in London and we all know how well it turned out. Throughout that journey he expected a lot from himself and just as much from the people that worked for him, his drive and determination took him to places most wouldn’t go. I know he’s not everyone’s cup of tea but to me although he has achieved great success and gets the benefits of this he still has a connection with his roots for example he’s never forgotten the people who he grew up with and who helped make him the success he has become. How do you unwind? At home with my wife and children, we like to get out in the garden and play football or take the dogs for a walk in the woods. My son loves football, so I often take him to games or watch him play in games and my daughter loves dancing and performing, we enjoy watching her in shows which makes us very proud parents. We also like our holidays and try to get away as often as possible.