BRITAIN ’ S LEADING building envelope specialist , Schueco UK , has announced the introduction of a new , updated version of its manually operated panoramic sliding door system , the Schueco ASS 77 PD . HI . Innovations include an integrated , full-height handle that improves the appearance of the door and makes it easier to open and close . The system is also equipped with an optimised locking concept that makes use of spring-loaded mushroom heads . There are new designs , in particular a 90o all-glass corner without a mullion , and new biparting four-pane versions with two sliding leaves and two fixed or four sliding leaves . In addition , the overall level of thermal insulation has been improved ,
with Uw values from 0.96 W / m2K with triple glazing now being delivered as standard .
Installation of the Schueco ASS 77 PD . HI system is also significantly simpler thanks to a reduced outer-frame installation height of 58 mm and the ability to install the frame in buildings
with minimal installation space at the side .
Newly introduced systemspecific software assists designers in the calculation of asymmetrical units and modular solutions , while a new space-saving fabrication aid increases the bonding quality and reduces
fabrication time of the glazing units in the workshop .
The glass panes can now be fitted to their frames in a vertical position rather the traditional horizontal method which uses up much more factory floor area during the 24-hour curing process .
And to assist with installation , new adjustment devices are now available for the outer frame without removal of the glass panels . This is a great benefit where there may be subsequent ceiling deflection .
For full details of the new Schueco ASS 77PD . HI ( manual version ) sliding door system , please email mkinfobox @ schueco . com www . schueco . co . uk