Expanding into new segments
GLASTON HAS CLOSED A significant deal with Glas Gasperlmair located in Austria . The deal includes Glaston ’ s ProBend bending and tempering furnace with turnkey installation . The machine will be delivered to the customer in summer 2017 . The order is booked in Glaston ’ s Q4 / 2016 order book .
With its zero-tooling process and very short changeover time , Glaston ProBend offers a cost-effective and flexible production . ProBend has the capability of processing glass in a wide range of sizes for high-quality bent tempered , heat-strengthened and laminated products .
Glas Gasperlmair has relied on Glaston glass processing equipment for more than
20 years and already operates four Glaston FC furnaces . This deal completes the company ’ s product range of glass , giving Glas Gasperlmair a unique position in Austria .
“ We are very happy to deliver the ProBend to our long term customer Glas Gasperlmair . With this addition to their equipment Glas Gasperlmair further strengthens their position as forerunner in the glass business in Austria ”, says Pekka Hytti , SVP , Sales and Service , EMEA .
“ Highest precision is our motto for all our glass processing lines . With the inclusion of ProBend to our machinery we will be able to expand our business into new customer segments ,” says Josef Gasperlmair , Managing Director and owner of Glas Gasperlmair .
www . glaston . net
Beating out the Competition
Kombimatec continues to prove it ’ s one of the best machinery manufacturers in the UK by im-pressing leading aluminium partitioning and door company , Planet Partitioning , the sister division of Planet Products Limited ( PP ).
AFTER REVIEWING A NUMBER OF other manufacturers Kombimatec came out on top for the West Sus-sex-based company , choosing to purchase not only a DGS534 Electronic Double Mitre Saw but also an AMC602 Machining Centre .
“ Kombimatec came out as the preferred choice ,” said Fraser Green , Director of PP , after shopping around looking for the best machinery available with good functionality , a solid support network at a reasonable cost . “ The ability to generate programmes for the
CNC router from the office at the order entry stage so that it can then be run on the CNC simply by scanning a barcode is very impressive ,” he added .
Aside from being impressed by the machinery functionality offered , Fraser admitted to being a fan of the Luton-based company ’ s customer service : “ The communication and willingness to provide further information on any queries raised was another reason we chose them over the competi-tion - their customer service has been very good .”
Kombimatec offers a wide range of electronic saws , of which Planet Partitioning selected the DGS534 Electronic Double Mitre Saw . The DGS534 supplied has a cutting length of four meters although , with the double stroke facility , the length of cut is extended to eight meters . It also has a short cut facility for cleat cutting and such . The heads swing inside and out to 45 degrees deliver-ing great flexibility while the complete optimised cutting lists are downloaded to the saw via an Ethernet connection from a computer .
The AMC602 Machining Centre has been designed to process extruded aluminium and utilises ad-vanced CNC control combined with CAD software to position the electro spindle and selected tool to work on the selected profile . It includes four controlled axes , four adjustable pneumatic clamps and comes with an industrial control unit for accurate positional control and a PC interface with CADCAM software . It also has an automatic tool changer to accommodate up to seven different tools . As a result , the machine can drill , rout , tap and mill without operator interference .
www . kombimatec . com
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