Clearview National August 2017 - Issue 189 | Page 14
statement to BBC Radio Surrey
following a request for comment
on the recent conviction of Zenith
Staybrite, a large regional double
glazing company who were found
guilty of using illegal high-pressure
sales tactics and falsely claiming
offers were time limited. The
company was ordered to pay fines
and costs of £330,000.
In the statement the GGF
“Though Zenith Staybrite are
not GGF Members, it was very
disappointing for the glazing
industry in general to hear that this
company has been practising such
illegal high-pressure sales methods.
No doubt they will be urgently
reviewing their sales and pricing
policies as a result, if they have not
already done so. This conviction
underlines the importance of the
GGF’s Consumer Code of Practice
which was approved last year by
the Chartered Trading Standards
Institute. It is the only approved
Code in the glass and glazing
industry and all consumer facing
GGF Members have to adhere to
The GGF Consumer Code
of Practice can be viewed and
downloaded free of charge from
the GGF’s consumer website, This
award winning website was
created last year to provide first
class information and advice to
consumers on making the right
decisions when considering
replacing their windows and doors
and how to go about it.
In complying with the GGF
Consumer Code of Practice,
Member companies must not
engage in any high pressure selling
techniques. The Code includes
clear rules that Members must
not state inflated prices for goods
and services above those of the
company’s price list, or offer
discounts or “special one day offer
prices” which are not true. Only
genuine discounts agreed by the
company must be applied.
Whilst there are many reputable
installers in the glazing industry, the
GGF recommends that consumers
use a GGF Member company for
complete peace of mind. There is a
search facility by postcode on www. We would also
recommend that consumers obtain
at least three quotes before deciding
on their choice of supplier, ensuring
that, as given by all GGF Members,
their chosen supplier gives a
minimum seven days from date of
contract in which the consumer can
cancel without penalty should they
change their mind after ordering.”
Brian Smith, GGF Director
of Home Improvement and
Membership commented, “At
every opportunity the GGF will
be highlighting why homeowners
should refer to our Consumer
Code and why they should use
GGF Members to ensure they are
safeguarded against malpractice and
illegal operations.”
The GGF Consumer Code of
Practice is available for free
download on www.myglazing.
com or
UK Government urged to end health and safety
deregulation following Grenfell Tower blaze
has been urged to scrap its approach
to deregulation of health and
safety legislation in the light of the
Grenfell Tower blaze.
In an open letter to Prime
Minister Theresa May, over 70
leading organisations and figures
from the UK’s safety and health
profession have jointly called for
a political sea change in attitude
towards health and safety regulation
and fire risk management following
the tragedy.
The collective has also pressed
the Government to complete its
review of Part B of the Building
Regulations 2010 – the regulations
which cover fire safety within and
around buildings in England – as
a matter of urgency, and to include
a focus on improved safety in the
forthcoming Parliament.
The letter is signed by the
Institution of Occupational Safety
and Health (IOSH), Park Health
& Safety, the Royal Society for the
Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA)
and the British Safety Council.
The Chartered Institute of
Environmental Health (CIEH),
Civil Engineering Contractors
Association (CECA), International
Institute of Risk & Safety
Management (IIRSM), National
Examination Board in Occupational
Safety and Health (NEBOSH),
Trades Union Congress (TUC) and
Unite the union have also given
it their backing, alongside senior
health and safety professionals.
“We believe it is totally
unacceptable for residents, members
of the public and our emergency
services to be exposed to this level
of preventable risk in modern-day
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Britain,” the letter states.
“At this crucial time of national
reflection and sorrow, we urge
all politicians to re-emphasise
the need for effective health and
safety regulation and competent
fire risk management. These are
fundamental to saving lives and
sustaining our communities.
“We believe it is vital that this
disaster marks a turning point for
improved fire safety awareness and
wider appreciation that good health
and safety is an investment, not a
In calling on the UK
Government to complete
its review of Part B of The
Building Regulations 2010, the
signatories add: “Together, we
offer our organisations’ support in
undertaking the review – we all have
valuable links to experts in this area
who can advise on best regulatory
outcomes. In the meantime,
we welcome the Government’s
commitment to act and to
implement the interim findings of
the forthcoming public inquiry.
“You have it in your power to
remove immediately a further risk
to people at work and outside of the
workplace – unwise deregulation –
which threatens public and worker
“We, leaders in health and safety
in the UK, call on you to scrap the
Government’s approach to health
and safety deregulation and think