Clearview Midlands September 2014 - Issue 154 | Page 46
The Certified Installer Network (CIN), launched just a few weeks
ago at a high profile industry conference, has now added a further
14 retailers to the network, taking the total number to 74.
The CIN, brainchild of A&B
Glass Group MD, Dave Barrett
is confident that the number of
retailers signed up to the ‘Charter
of Excellence’ will exceed 100 by
the year end with other regional
launches planned.
The CIN is a unique concept,
according to Dave Barrett. He
explains: “When we launched the
CIN we positioned it as the ‘first’
of its kind – a group of leading
retailers signing up to a Charter
of Excellence with the primary
objective to deliver absolute peace
of mind and reassurance to the
consumer that the choice they have
made is based on proven quality in
products and installation, all backed
by a guarantee.
“Whether we are first or last
coming to market with CIN is
irrelevant; it differs to anything
else in the market because it
covers a broad range of products,
it’s not about any one business
or any one profile – its USP
rests in the customer service and
product excellence delivered by our
“From a member’s perspective
they can now access a broad
range of business services from
leading companies – from web
development and PR right through
to sales training.”
The CIN is gathering significant
momentum with plans to launch
a range of initiatives in 2015 to
raise the profile and relevance of
CIN retailers among home owners.
A&B Glass Group marketing
manager, Shaun Croft is confident
that consumers will embrace a
certified installer scheme.
‘biggest challenge is
often in choosing
an appropriate
company to deliver
the installations’
Shaun comments: “From a home
owner’s perspective, choosing new
fenestration can be a minefield
when it comes to deciphering the
merits of one system over another,
but in reality the biggest challenge
is often in choosing an appropriate
company to deliver the installation.
That’s where CIN comes in. It’s
not about recommending one
particular profile or system,
it’s about providing absolute
reassurance to the home owner that
they are in safe hands with a CIN
To learn more about the Certified
Installer Network please contact:
South: Shaun Croft at A&B
Glass: [email protected]
/ 01787 880099.
North: Steve Darkins at John
Fredericks Plastics: [email protected] /
01422 314100.
Long-term business survival comes, in part,
from a company’s ability to adapt to market
conditions. Knowing this, the directors
of Polar NE Ltd, a specialist aluminium
fabricator established 31 years ago,
challenged its production department to
meet two primary objectives: reduce waste
and inefficiencies and improve quality.
Meeting this challenge began with the
purchase of an elumatec SLK 118 CNC
Profile Machining Centre and an elumatec
EP124 crimper. In May 2014 they also added
an elumatec DG 142 double-mitre saw to
their production facility. The machines were
then networked to the design department.
To meet CE Regulations operator elumatec’s
Production Support and Training (PST)
engineers delivered training.
Mr Wade, director of Polar NE Ltd, said:
“Typically we manufacture low volume, high
variety, specialised aluminium products and
as such, need machines that are flexible and
adaptable to suit each product’s complexity.
SEP 2014
We were, however, recently awarded two
contracts, each worth in excess of £1million,
for high volume, low variety products. The
scale of these contracts is at the opposite end
of the spectrum to our usual work but the
products are still technically demanding,
which is why the clients chose Polar.
“As well as improving our production
efficiency and product quality, the arrival of
the DG 142 has allowed us to create a better
working environment. We have revised the
factory layout to create a ‘machining zone’.
This gives us better noise control and reduces
the areas where mandatory ear protection
needs to be worn making the work place
better for everyone.
“We considered machines from a number
of manufacturers, finally choosing elumatec
because of their proven quality and the
benefits of continuing to build on an already
established working relationship.
“We can now produce more products,
more accurately, and with more complexity,
while maintaining our margin and the SLK
118 has enough inbuilt options to meet the
manufacturing demands we’re predicting in
our 10 year plan so we’ll have the capacity
and flexibility to take advantage of new
For more information email sales@ or telephone 01908 580800.
To read more, visit