Clearview Midlands September 2014 - Issue 154 | Page 38
illbruck proving to be a
winner at all angles
Following on from tremco illbruck’s
successful FiT Show promotion ‘Have One
on Us’, an initiative giving installers the
opportunity to be trained free of charge
in the use of illbrucks system designed
to maintain the A-Rating of domestic
windows when fitted, Clearview Magazine
was invited to attend the installation
training session of one of the promotion
winners, Andy Glass Windows, Oxford.
tremco illbruck is already a prominent
supplier in the commercial window and
construction market, offering a range of
innovative sealant products for window
installation, facade construction, and other
internal and external building applications.
The business recently took the decision to
target a selection of their window sealant
products towards the domestic window
replacement market and utilised the FiT
Show exhibition to showcase their range.
Clearview travelled to Oxford to join
Andy Glass Windows at their training and
installation session. Andy Glass Windows has
supplied and installed a range of commercial
and domestic installations including windows,
PVCu and composite doors, bi-folds, garden
houses and house extensions in local areas
around Oxford for the last 20 years.
Andy Glass Windows chose to install
triple glazed windows fabricated from the
‘Residence 9’ profile system. The flush fitting
sash style system takes on the characteristics
illbrucks Steve Wild leads the training session
Positioning a pretaped window into position
SEP 2014
Old Windows coming out
of a traditional 19th century sash timber
window and was a great choice for the type
of property being installing into, a stone
built village hall, about the size of a domestic
Clearview was also joined by illbruck
Tremco’s marketing manager, Fraser
Higgins and business development
manager, Steve Wild.
Fraser commented “The
FiT show ‘Have One on Us’
Finished job
promotion was a storming
success, with a great deal
of interest from many
illbruck TP651 Trio
installers coming on to the
illbruck tape
allows installers to fit
stand to enquire about our
seals the gap
and forget their window or
domestic market product offer, in
door structures, reducing call
particularly the Trio TP651 tape, and
backs, and a similar system (illbruck
associated products.
i3) is proven in the commercial sector where
“The TP651 Trio is used for sealing joints
companies have been using illbruck sealants
and corners around a window or door and
on installations with great success for several
gives amazing air-tightness which in turn
offers excellent thermal insulating properties,
illbruck’s technical staff has now carried
maintaining the windows ‘A’ rating with no
out visits to sites with more than 20 different
leakage around the frame.” Steve continued.
companies who responded to the exhibition
Part of tremco illbrucks promotional offer
promotion, and the trials of the product have
to the installer was to supply all their products
been extremely well received. Installers are able
free of charge for the training project and
to compare the benefits that TP651 Trio gives
give the installer on-the-job technical training
over silicone sealing and current feedback is
on how to apply the products and install the
that the companies which have been given the
opportunity to trial the product will continues
Steve explained the benefits of using TP651
to use it on other installations.
Trio when installing a frame; “The TP651
Andy Glass Windows general manager Andy
Trio not only offers a more thermal efficient
Aspel, commented “The TP651 Trio tape was
solution over the majority of silicone based
an ideal solution for the particular installation
sealants, it also allows the installer to install
we were doing at Stanton St John’s village hall.
the frames 20% quicker because of the way in
illbruck had the perfect solution in order for
which it is applied”
us to fit the windows more quickly and with
“TP651 is a pre-compressed sealing tape,
minimal disruption. Illbruck’s technical staff
comprising of open-cell polyurethane soft
were superb, offering fantastic guidance and
foam, which is then impregnated with flameknowledge. We were seriously impressed with
retardant synthetic resin. The different vapour
the products we used and will definitely be
diffusion properties are achieved through a
using them on our installations.”
unique, one sided patented impregnation, it
The TP651 Trio is suitable for most
also utilises the properties of water-vapour
domestic applications including PVCu and
permeable sealing, making it less permeable
Timber windows and the system is featured in
on the inside of the application”
their latest brochure ‘A-Rated Insulations for
“The correct tape size is applied around
Domestic Window Systems.’
the frame of the window or door and to the
cills, be fore fitting to the aperture. The tape
To find out more visit
starts to expand once taken from the coil and
en_GB/solutions or call 0191 419 0505, or
expands to securely seal the frame within
email [email protected]
minutes.” Steve concludes.
To read more, visit