Clearview Midlands January 2014 - Issue 146 | Page 50

ENERGYEFFICIENCY CHANCELLOR MUST DELIVER ON PROMISE TO INVEST IN BRITAIN’S HOMES The Chancellor has missed a golden opportunity to reverse decades of underinvestment in Britain’s ageing housing infrastructure by not implementing a reduced rate of VAT on domestic renovation and repair, leaving millions of households powerless in the face of rising fuel bills, says the Federation of Master Builders (FMB). Brian Berry, Chief Executive of the FMB, said: “The Government continues to focus on big-ticket projects such as road and rail, which will be years in the planning and are unlikely even to begin within the term of this Parliament. The Chancellor has missed an opportunity to reduce VAT on housing renovation and repair. ‘A significant saving’ “Householders need more help to combat the rising cost of heating their homes, and lowering the rate of VAT charged on all housing renovation and repair would do this at a stroke – for example a 15% reduction in the rate of VAT on insulation and double glazing would represent a significant saving to the customer, and empower homeowners to protect against spiralling energy bills. Only by making your home more efficient can you arrest, or even reverse, the seemingly inexorable rise in the cost of energy.” Berry added: “Furthermore, diverting £4 billion raised annually in carbon taxes into a mass programme of publicly funded energy efficiency improvements would help those who can’t afford to pay for this work up front. Not only would this lift millions of the most vulnerable out of fuel poverty, it could also provide more than 70,000 new jobs by 2015.” PUBLIC WANTS WARMER HOMES OVER ROAD OR RAIL SPEND Making homes more energy efficient is a greater infrastructure priority for the UK public than building HS2 or new roads, airports and power stations. In a poll out today, 85 per cent of adults rank free energy efficiency measures, which could save an average family £500 every year, in their top three infrastructu