Clearview Midlands January 2014 - Issue 146 | Page 16

INDUSTRYNEWS HELP US CREATE THE PERFECT FIT FOR BUSINESS SEMINAR PROGRAMME FOR 2014 Tell Us What You Want To Know! The FIT Show FIT for Business seminar programme is designed to provide everyone attending its free seminars to walk away with ideas and knowledge that they can put to work immediately to benefit their business. This year’s programme had its clear winners: Paul Clifton’s sales seminars were an obvious favourite, with standing room only for those wanting to learn how to convert 8 out of 10 leads; and anything to do with CE Marking got the attention of dozens of delegates as this key legislation comes into play. For 2014 we want every session in the 3 day programme to be packed so that everyone attending can put what they learn to work immediately: one idea alone could be worth the visit to The FIT Show! We believe the best way to put together the perfect FIT for Business seminar programme is to ask the industry what it wants to know more about, what issues are of primary interest – what you can benefit most from. Simply visit The FIT Show web site at seminars and fill in and submit the form. We will do what we can to include your idea in the programme. CLADDING FIRM IN ADMINISTRATION Cheshire based building envelope specialist Red Architectural is in administration. The firm’s production and fabrication divi