Clearview 271 - June 2024 | Page 92

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O for Opportunity

During an era of change in the housebuilding world , now is a pivotal moment that provides the glazing industry with a unique opportunity to remain future-focused . While the proposed changes to the 2025 Future Homes Standard have been amended , the glazing industry can still maximise growth opportunities with the right knowledge and product range . Here , Paul Higgins , Commercial Director of TuffX , discusses the need for change despite the legislative setback of the Future Homes Standard . Document O and homeowner demand for reduced fuel bills offer a wealth of opportunity .

It had been suggested that there would need to be a reduction in u-values for new homes , but this has been taken out of the plans , and the FHS has reverted to the existing Building Regulation requirements . As a result , there are likely to be no changes made to Document L for existing housing .
However , as the Building Regulations , including Document L and Document O , are part of an ongoing and focused drive towards Net Zero in 2050 , ultimately , the performance of our glazing products is only going one way . As a collective with expert knowledge of what consumers want and need , it ’ s the ideal time to drive change and provide the very best , futureproof solutions .
Driving change
Even without the proposed FHS to reduce the required u-values not coming into force in 2025 , the very existence of the standard is contributing to a new conversation about the UK ’ s homes . Likewise , the relatively new Approved Document Part O , designed to tackle overheating , is driving change . The Document seeks to ensure that the design and construction of new residential buildings limit unwanted solar gain in summer and provide adequate means to remove heat from the indoor environment . This is becoming more of an issue with the heatwaves we have been
experiencing in recent years with high temperatures of up to 40 ° C .
More UK households are installing air conditioning units in an attempt to combat these high temperatures . Sales of air conditioning units rose by 500 % in 2022 , while at the same time , property search website Rightmove saw searches triple * for homes with air conditioning already fitted . But air conditioning isn ’ t the best solution as it also drives up fuel bills through the summer months . This is just one example of why it ’ s the glazing moment to spread further messaging around product innovation and improvements , which can help homebuyers counter issues such as overheating .
High-quality solar glass products will play an important part in achieving new standards and in helping homeowners achieve the comfortable ambient interior temperature they are looking for without the need for air cooling technologies . Using a tinted coating on the outside of the glass , solar glass products can reflect heat away from the inside of the home to help ensure the space doesn ’ t get overheated .
Solar glass is the solution
Solar glass is a much more cost-effective solution to the problem . It is possible to fit solar glass that reflects twice as much heat as standard glass . For example , TuffX has developed a new rooflight for our Infinity range that achieves this through a unique new coating . Unlike most solar glass , it is untinted , achieving maximum light transmission , too . This high performance in the warmer months , does not detract from its performance in the winter either , with the rooflight able to achieve a u-value of just 1.0 , making it the most energy efficient rooflight all year round .
It is always easy to focus on the things that haven ’ t gone our way , but this shouldn ’ t be an excuse not to act . Glazing products must improve sooner or later , whether through legislation , trends , or a drive to do the right thing . Homeowners now want the best-performing products that can save them money on their fuel bills , and legislation such as Document O is pushing the conversation for solar glass forward , so we need to step up to the plate and deliver . There is no question in my mind that companies that can offer the best in terms of outstanding aesthetics , maximum light transmission , and thermal performance will now leapfrog ahead of the competition .
www . tuffxglass . co . uk
Source : *( https :// www . rightmove . co . uk / press-centre / searches-for-homes-with-air-conditioning-triple-in-year /)