Clearview 260 - July 2023 | Page 71

FIT Show Review


» FIT SHOW WAS THE window and door industry ’ s biggest event of the year , with hundreds of companies exhibiting best-in-class products to thousands of visitors all under one roof at Birmingham NEC .
Outside the sun may have been shining , but it was inside that mattered most as FIT Show provided the perfect platform for Glazpart , as the leading plastic component manufacturer officially launched its new Glazpartners programme with an unrivalled
window and door display from the UK ’ s best window and door fabricators , systems houses and manufacturers .
The Glazpartners Programme is designed to promote the value of customer relationships in the fenestration industry . The new initiative has already been embraced by a significant number of Glazpart ’ s customers across the supply chain and following FIT Show the interest levels continue to impress .
Dean Bradley , Sales Director of Glazpart explains , “ It was
great to see some of the highest profile brands from all parts of the industry being promoted as Glazpartners on the Glazpart stand at FIT Show . We asked our Glazpartners to contribute a specifically designed window or door with our award-winning Link Vent installed , for our display area at FIT Show . We were delighted to have 35 products on display highlighting the best in the industry .”
Over the three days of the show , Glazpartners visited the stand to be photographed with their products and many companies not yet Glazpartners visited the stand expressing and interest on joining the industry ’ s latest marketing initiative that promotes close customer relationships and working together for mutual benefit .
The Glazpartners Programme offers the following benefits for all participating companies .
• Listing , logo and a promotional article on the bespoke Glazpartners webpage
• Product display and branding on Glazpart ’ s stands at trade fairs / exhibitions ( including FIT Show 2025 )
• Joint articles for the trade and regional media
• Use of the Glazpartners Logo
• Promotion via social media channels
www . glazpart . com

A traditionally warm welcome on stand J68

» WHEN MULTI-AWARD winning Gowercroft Joinery travelled from Derbyshire to the NEC , Clearview couldn ’ t wait to catch up with MD Andrew Madge and Sales Director Joe Grimley at the event to chat heritage timber products and partnership programmes and take a look at some stunning case ( ment ) studies .
Joe highlighted : “ Because customer satisfaction is so important here , we are with our installation companies every step of the way . We believe our Classic , Heritage and Frontier products speak for themselves but being here at FIT – more importantly – gives us the chance to have a three-day base for our busy customers to come and speak to us – some travelled hundreds of miles just to say hello !”
Clearview will be teaming up with Gowercroft for October ’ s Heritage & Timber feature , in the meantime you can find out more here : www . gowercroft . co . uk www . johnsoncontrols . com
Thank you for visiting our stand at the FIT Show 2023