Clearview 258 - May 2023 | Page 34

Energy Efficiency & Sustainability

Setting an energy efficient example with sustainable solutions

As the world continues to grapple with the challenges of climate change , it ’ s more important than ever for businesses to take responsibility for their environmental impact . Fortunately , there are companies that are stepping up to the plate and leading the charge towards a more sustainable future . One such company is BSW Window Solutions , a manufacturer of high-performance PVC and aluminium windows and doors that have implemented a range of environmentally friendly practices throughout their operations .

One of the most notable ways in which BSW is reducing its environmental impact is by investing in an energy-efficient manufacturing processes . By utilising stateof-the-art equipment and cutting-edge technology , BSW ’ s production facilities minimise energy consumption and reduce greenhouse gas emissions . Automated production lines optimise efficiency and reduce waste , leading to more affordable products for customers . It ’ s also good for the bottom line .
In addition to energy-efficient manufacturing processes , BSW also promotes sustainability through the use of ecofriendly materials . The windows and doors are made from sustainable materials such as recycled PVC , reducing the reliance on non-renewable resources .
BSW has also implemented waste reduction strategies , including recycling programs and a closed-loop recycling system for PVC waste . By minimising waste and maximising recycled materials , BSW is mitigating the impact on the environment . The leading aluminium supplier , Sheerline , is a great example of how sustainability is a key thought , as its ethos is : “ UK sourced and manufactured , made from the most recycled and abundant metal in the Earth ’ s crust and produced in the most energy efficient aluminium extrusion plant in the UK , we are committed to manufacturing in the most sustainable way possible .”
Liniar , the leading PVC supplier , follows suit in its mission toward sustainability . They have now been a zero-production waste facility for nearly three decades as all scrap material goes back into the system to create fully or partially recycled PVC products . This goes to show , that as you follow the chain of production you will find that everyone is working in unison to help combat this global crisis .
Furthermore , BSW is committed to reducing its carbon footprint using renewable energy sources . The main manufacturing facilities are powered by solar , having upwards of 500 solar panels , ( once the new factory has finished construction ) reducing their reliance on non-renewable energy sources and minimising carbon emissions . Energy-efficient measures , such as LED lighting , further reduce energy consumption and the carbon footprint . By taking these steps , BSW is not only doing its part to combat climate change , but it ’ s also demonstrating that sustainability and profitability can go hand in hand .
BSW ’ s commitment to sustainability isn ’ t just good for the environment - it ’ s also good for business . Consumers are demanding sustainable products more and more , and companies that fail to meet these demands risk losing customers . By prioritising sustainability , BSW is
positioning itself as a leader in the industry and appealing to a growing segment of environmentally conscious consumers .
Moreover , BSW ’ s sustainable practices can also be beneficial to the communities it serves . Sustainable practices like energy-efficient manufacturing and renewable energy sources benefit local communities by reducing air pollution and improving air quality . By using eco-friendly materials and minimising waste , BSW is helping to reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills , which benefits local communities by reducing the environmental impact from waste disposal .
The sales team is now also going green after the purchase of Rob Morley , MD ’ s electric car , the rest of the sales team followed suit , with a fleet of electric cars , where possible . In further efforts to reduce waste , BSW has introduced a van recycling scheme . A 2016 Citroen delivery van was used as a doner vehicle and recycled into the rest of the fleet .
By investing in energy-efficient manufacturing processes , using eco-friendly materials , implementing waste reduction strategies , and using renewable energy sources , BSW is setting an example for other companies to follow . By doing so , it ’ s not only good for the environment , but also good for business and the communities it serves . As consumers become increasingly conscious of the impact of their purchases , companies like BSW that prioritise sustainability will continue to thrive and set the standard for others to follow .
www . bsws . co . uk