Clearview 258 - May 2023 | Page 24

Doors & Windows

Regulatory change is coming . We ’ re prepared … are you ?

To help fight climate change , the UK Government has developed a Net Zero plan aiming to achieve a balance between carbon emissions and carbon removal by 2050 through actions across different sectors .

For the construction sector in England , a set of energy efficiency standards for new build homes called The Future Homes Standard ( FHS ) will mean big changes . Compliance will be mandatory from 2025 , and all new homes built from this date will be required to emit 75-80 % less carbon than existing new-build homes .

The role of fenestration
Energy efficient windows and doors are going to play an important part in meeting these new standards . The insulation they provide reduces a building ’ s heating and cooling energy demand , resulting in lower carbon emissions .
A system designed for the past , present and future .
Leading UK systems house Liniar is keen to unlock the benefits of energy efficient homes today . The company has always aimed to design high quality products that make compliance with current and incoming legislation easily achievable well into the future .
With the 2023 release of its Zero | 90 and Zero | 90R PVCu window and doors systems , the company is already prepared for 2025 .
Design and Development Director Chris Armes explains , “ The Future Homes Standard proposes significant changes to the U-values required for windows and doors . From 2025 , the indicative FHS specification for whole-window U-value is 0.8 W / m ² K or lower for new build properties .
“ This is a considerable improvement over existing Building Regulations and beyond the capabilities of most windows and door systems currently on the
market , without expensive addons and components .
“ With Zero | 90 Liniar has developed a system capable of a superb whole-window U-value of 0.66 with Argon-filled triple glazing . This means it already exceeds the UK ’ s forthcoming legislative standard today and is expected to do so for many years to come , offering Liniar customers and the wider construction industry a future-proof solution for further regulatory changes .
“ Most importantly , Zero | 90 achieves its 0.66 U-value using highly accessible , industry standard glazing components without having to use expensive Krypton gas or quadruple glazing . Our aim is to make energy efficient homes accessible to everyone and speed up the UK ’ s transition towards Net Zero .”
Liniar also knows that most houses in the UK are not energy efficient . In fact , a recent GGF report has stated that 98 % of existing UK windows are not good enough at providing insulation .
Chris explains , “ We understand that FHS will apply to new build properties , but there is also a huge opportunity to make current homes more energy efficient and reduce their carbon footprint by replacing old windows with new , better designed ones .
“ The Government has already stated existing homes will also be subject to higher standards , with a requirement for replacements , repairs and parts to deliver better energy performance . Including the replacement of windows .
“ That ’ s why Liniar sees a great opportunity for an ultra-energy efficient , 90mm retrofittable system . But the main issue with replacing a 70mm window with a 90mm one is often a need to chop back the existing plaster line , which is not always easy ! Because plaster is a brittle , unpredictable material to work with , the process is rarely straightforward .
“ Zero | 90R has been designed with an innovative rebated frame that fits neatly into the space left by a 70mm window , drastically reducing the likelihood of having to carry out time-consuming and expensive replastering work . This makes it the ideal solution for homeowners , business owners and even local authorities to improve the energy efficiency of existing buildings and housing stock .”
More than just energy efficiency But let ’ s not forget , there ’ s more to reducing a building ’ s carbon footprint than simply increasing its energy efficiency .
Chris concludes , “ Both Zero | 90 and Zero | 90R systems are made with a recycled core and are completely recyclable at the end of their useful life , which can be as long as at least 35 years under normal urban and non-aggressive conditions .
“ This means Zero | 90 contributes to the circular economy , reducing embodied carbon and making it one of the most sustainable window systems in the UK .”
www . liniar . co . uk