Clean Informer Magazine Spring 2014 | Page 30

Search Engine Optimization 01 GOOGLE AUTHORSHIP VS PUBLISHER MARKUP. WHICH ONE TO USE FOR YOUR WEBSITE Google Author Rank is definitely a hot topic in both the content and search marketing industry. Having Authorship implemented on your website essentially gives you the opportunity to officially claim your content with Google. And it comes with three great benefits: 1. Increases your click throughs - When your content is marked up properly Google includes your G+ profile image next to the listing within the search results. There have been countless studies indicating this increases your listing's click through rate. People are naturally inclined to look at images in a body of text. Check the below sample. 2. Protects Your Content - This code also tells Google that you are the original owner. If your article gets picked up and reprinted Google is more likely to see your marked up article as the original and de-value the rest. 3. Increases your content's authority and trust - This is the most important reason to markup your content. When you officially claim your content using this code and tying it to your G+ profile you're also building up your own personal brand. The more trusted, quality content you produce for authoritative sites - the stronger your brand becomes in the eyes of Google as well as within your Industry. 4. Google Analytics Tracking - You can track analytics on content you have written for any website in Google Webmaster Tools using the Author Stats area under Labs. 5. Adding the Publisher tag will make sure that your Google+ page’s information is displayed next to your website, making it stand out in search results. 30