its own chemical properties which transforms
the odor’s chemistry into a new non-odorous
compound. The pairing agent must make direct
contact with the malodor source in order to be
effective. Some pairing agents contain aggressive
attacking and counteracting agents where the
aggressive pairing action transfor ms the odor
cell and the condition of the total environment.
Pairing agents, such as CleanMaster OdorMate
Tropical Breeze, are typically used to treat and
eliminate tobacco and smoke odors, and also
work effectively against chemical off gassing
Chemical Oxidizers: These chemicals are
derived from peroxide compounds and are
activated by effervescent activity. They oxidize
and help decompose odor-causing bacteria—
very often a source of carpet odors—which are
then removed in the extraction process. They are
typically used as powders, mixed with hot water,
and then poured onto the carpet where the source
of the odor is contained. After a few minutes
the, solution is extracted from the carpet, usually
with a subsurface extraction wand or tool. These
oxidizers are effective at eliminating the yellow
carpet stains caused by urine contamination,
as well as oxidizing the odors, making them a
growing favorite with professionals. They can
also be used effectively against mustiness and
mildew odors, and to eliminate odors caused
by chemical off-gassing. Some of these powder
oxidizers, like CleanMaster USR with MultiPhase, are fortified with an encapsulating and
bonding deodorizing agent to provide additional
odor control benefits.
Electronic oxidation or deodorizationThe production and use of ozone gas. A gas
produced from arcing electricity through oxygen
molecules. This gas oxidizes odors it comes in
contact with, totally destroying the odor. Ozone
is typically more effective on chemical off
gassing and smoke odors. As a general rule, it is
too slow for use on urine odors. Ozone must only
be used in unoccupied areas.
Encapsulating and Bonding Deodorizers Specially formulated deodorizing treatments
that bind to and encapsulate odor molecules,
effectively eliminating the odor cells ability to
produce odors. In addition, most of these types
of solutions also contain a pleasant pairing
fragrance specifically geared to treat all types of
malodors – urine, smoke, chemical off-gassing,
and mustiness. These broad based deodorizers
need to come in direct contact with the source
of the odor for maximum effectiveness.
CleanMaster MultiPhase is an example of this
type of product and was the pioneer in the
development of his technology.
Vapor phase diffusers- The diffusion into
the airspace of natural essential oils and
odor neutralizing compounds that have been
suspended into a membrane. These diffusers
breathe a penetrating dry vapor into the air.
The most popular vapor diffusers are made by
Vaportek®, and have been found to be very
effective against smoke and tobacco odors.
Biocides/Disinfectants/Sanitizers Disinfecting agents that have the ability to
kill a broad range of microorganisms, but not
necessarily all their spores. Disinfectants are
primarily used to resolve odor problems related
to microorganisms. They can be effective against
mustiness and mold smells, although their
primary purpose is to kill the source of the odor –
the microorganisms. These types of products use
is highly regulated under federal law, so become
familiar with the product you are using and the
directions called for on the label.
Digesters (Enzyme Deodorants) - These
are living organisms (bacteria) which produce
enzymes that digest or consume decaying
organic and protein contaminants. They contain
living organism(s) that emit an enzyme to
consume protein found in odor-causing bacteria,
which destroy odor. They are often used for
deodorizing decaying organic materials, such
as urine, meat, fish, milk, blood, body fluids,
and human or animal waste. They are typically
effective against urine and protein odors, but to
work effectively need prolonged contact time
with the odor source.
Sealing – Sealing agents are solutions which
“lock-in” odor molecules by preventing the
evaporation of odorous gases. The sealing agent
is applied to sources of malodor to prevent the
further evaporation of the malodors into the
airspace. Sealing is often required on various