Clean Informer Magazine Autumn 2015 | Page 26

TMF r e n a e l C e h Todd T Dear TMF Family, We fight all the time like cats and dogs. Rarely do so many see eye to eye on a single topic, like the best pre-spray. However, in times of need we all come together and help out one another. It is why so many of us continue to come to this forum. Because when the shit hits the fan there is always someone that has been there that can walk us through a bad experience. I write this letter today to ask for help for a valued member of this board. Todd has not requested any assistance from me or any other member of the TMF forum, however I want to give it. As many of you know Todd has been a steadfast member that has played many roles for this group, both online and off. Many of you have called him, written to him, and even sent a light into the sky with his logo on it asking for assistance, and yet he has never asked for anything in return. I am asking if you’re taking the time to read this post right now to open your wallets and donate to a worthy man that could use some help. If every member here put in at least $10 Todd would have enough money to help support his family while he gets his truck mount rebuilt and possibly find a reliable van to purchase. Our equipment is our bread and butter. Our customers are just the icing on the cake. At the end of the day it is what we have to work with that helps us to succeed or fail. I know for some of us times are tough, pretty much all of us. But if the shoe was on the other foot I know whole heartily that Todd would be the first to call upon us for help. He is the type of man that would give you his only umbrella in a monsoon. Let us open our umbrellas for Todd and shelter him from this storm that has hit him and his family hard. Visit And Give Todd A Helping Hand 26