in our present sour economy. He said “for any
company operating today,profitability cannot
be the sole measure of success.” His argument is
you need a strong connection to the community
based on superior quality workmanship and
incredible customer service. We the editors of
Clean Informer couldn’t agree more.
For the last 30 years we have maintained
an impeccable tract record that “profit” is
NOT our #1 goal.This started with our first
cleaning business 30 years ago all the way to
the inception of Truckmountforums 5 years
ago. It will continue with The Clean Informer.
There is something brewing in the cleaning
We have always given generously to our
industry. The recent Wall Street abuses that
community,whether it be literally or online.
crippled the US Economy should send us
Like our cleaning business,Truckmountforums
a message loud and clear. We need moral
capitalism. Capitalism is a wonderful thing but has always put cleaners before profits and it
has paid off immensely. Truckmountforums
it is a horrible thing without morals. Thank
has now grown to become the largest online
you Wall Street. (insert heavy sarcasm) Moral
capitalism is LONG overdue but very few these community in the US! Just look at the stats
days embrace it. Most people have a “sense of
entitlement” and that has bubbled over into
Now just like the premise for
our industry. They feel profitability is the “sole” Truckmountforums, we are starting a magazine
measure of success. They will walk all over
by cleaners for cleaners. No longer will cleaners
anyone and anything to make higher profits.
have to go to a “sanitized” media to get
Wham bam thank you ma’am. No thanks!
superficial articles controlled by profits. Instead
you will get in-depth revealing articles. We
Our industry is flooded with bait and switch
hacks. Sadly some of this has flowed down from will not only show you how to get dirt out but
will also show you the real dirt in our industry.
the the greedy infighting at the top. I know.
Nothing superficial. So watch out. There is
I’ve seen it first hand at Connections events.
It’s time for a change. It’s time to wake up and something brewing in the industry and it smells
smell the coffee. Why do I say that? Starbucks good. It’s time to wake up and smell the coffee.
It’s The Clean Informer! ;-)
CEO Howard Schultz said this about success