CLDA FALL 2023 Magazine-final | Page 64

Drivers Ed


The Vital Shield for Delivery Drivers :

Commercial Auto Liability Coverage

Provided by Openforce

This issue of the Customized Logistics & Delivery Magazine introduces a new column aimed at helping drivers who want to up their game , be more productive and grow their bottom lines . If you are a driver and have suggestions for upcoming columns that would answer some of your questions about professionalizing your business , email Magazine Editor Andrea Obston at aobston @ aomc . com
Commercial auto liability coverage isn ’ t just a recommendation when using your vehicle on dispatch — it ’ s a necessity .
In the fast-paced world of delivery driving , where time is of the essence on meticulously planned routes , one often overlooked aspect can have dire consequences : insurance coverage .
As a delivery driver , your vehicle is your lifeline to earning a living . While personal auto insurance might provide a safety net , it ’ s essential to understand why having commercial auto liability coverage is not just an option but a necessity .
Failing to secure this coverage can leave you vulnerable to substantial financial and legal risks that can quickly shatter your livelihood . This article explores why having commercial insurance while under dispatch is a no-brainer for your small business .
Understanding Commercial Auto Liability Coverage
At its core , commercial auto liability coverage protects you from the financial repercussions of accidents while working . Think of it as the protective barrier between your wallet and the often astronomical costs of medical bills , property damages , and legal fees .
Your personal auto policy covers everyday personal use — trips to the grocery store , driving your children to school , or weekend getaways . These policies typically exclude “ business use ” of your vehicle , which means if you ’ re making deliveries or driving on dispatch without the proper coverage , you ’ re setting yourself up for potential financial disaster .
The Dangers of Relying on Personal Auto Insurance
Imagine you ’ re out on a delivery run , and an unfortunate accident occurs . Not only are you dealing with the stress of the accident , but now , because you don ’ t have commercial auto liability coverage , your personal vehicle policy won ’ t cover the damages . This gap can leave you on the hook for :
64 customized logistics & delivery Magazine I fall 2023