CLDA FALL 2023 Magazine-final | Page 56

As we look toward 2024 , the unfortunate reality is that transportation insurance premiums will continue to rise . This problem will not magically disappear without significant internal and external change . Internally , final-mile owners need to philosophically shift their view of insurance from being the first line of defense to the last . This means developing a year-round plan to continuously look for opportunities to improve hiring / contracting , revise SOPs , implement training based on business changes , and invest in new technologies that mitigate risks long before they become a claim . For those willing to make this shift , you will not only position your organization to be more informed to take action on your risk exposures but also differentiate as a leader in the final mile . CLDA
CLDA President Jason Burns Sr . was born into the “ courier ” business ; gaining years of experience in all facets . He recently joined CUI Insurance Agency as a commercial producer after successfully selling his final mile business , QCS Logistics , in 2020 . He became the youngest elected board member to the CLDA in 2010 and years later was elected as the first African American president of the CLDA . Contact him at jburns @ cuiagency . com .

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