CLDA FALL 2023 Magazine-final | Page 45

Competition for space will remain steady , if not strong , given a slowdown of new inventory being developed due to the high cost of debt and construction costs .”
With that forecast , Rodrigo Gonzalez sums up the real estate challenges that will face last-mile companies in 2024 . He joined a panel of four experts , all experienced in the role that real estate plays in this sector , who took out their real estate crystal balls for a look at 2024 for those in the industry .
The panel included :
• John T . Benko , Chief Administrative Officer , ADL Final Mile
• Kevin Chin , CCIM , Managing Director , Commercial Real Estate Advisor , SVN | Pacific Commercial Advisors
• Rodrigo Gonzalez , CEO & Managing Partner , DEODATE
• Kevin Louie , Real Estate Investor / Operator .
CLDA Mag : Let ’ s start with an overview of your companies so readers can understand where you ’ re coming from . What does your company do ?
Benko : ADL Final Mile delivers for the pharmaceutical and automotive sectors and handles general freight products .
Chin : CCIM is with SVN Commercial Real Estate Advisors , a full-service commercial real estate firm with offices in 200 markets across the country
Louie : I own , develop , and operate commercial real estate properties .
Gonzalez : DEODATE is a corporate real estate consulting firm advising mid-cap to Global 1000 companies , governments and developers on real estate strategy and transactional management . The firm serves nearly one dozen industries , focusing on industrial and logistics , food manufacturing , and life-science clients . We have touched almost $ 5 billion in projects and deals through about 600 engagements across America , Canada and Mexico .
CLDA Mag : What kinds of work have you done with those in the logistics sector ?
Benko : I have worked in the logistics sector through owning multiple courier companies over the past 30 years . I currently manage 52 properties for my company .
Chin : I have done landlord and tenant representation of industrial property for over 30 years . fall 2023 I customized logistics & delivery Magazine 45