CLDA FALL 2023 Magazine-final | Page 37

“ Despite all the advances , or even because of them , Hadhazy points out that human beings will always be central to the process of getting goods from point A to point B .”

It ’ s also attracting interest from retailers because of the growth of Porch Pirates . “ Consumers only have to have their packages stolen from their front stoops once or twice to feel violated . It ’ s the sort of thing that will encourage people to order things online and pick them up from the stores . This could impact last-mile providers by cutting down on the number of deliveries they have to make and ultimately the number of drivers they will need ,” says Rowley .
Wanted - Team Members with Technology Skills
Inside the offices of last-mile providers , there will be a shift in the skills their employees will need to have . “ It ’ s all about getting the people who can make the best use of technology ,” Hadhazy says . “ The larger the role that technology plays , the greater the need for people who can manage data to predict and prevent problems . That ’ s a different skill set than what yesterday ’ s dispatch team members had to have . And those who have those skills will be in great demand .“
When it comes to technology skills , Hadhazy points out that those with data-sharing experience will be highly sought-after . “ Partnerships between different providers fuel today ’ s supply chain . That generates the need for data to be shared back and forth ,” she points out . “ There are huge opportunities out there for individual players who are good at aggregating and sharing information . The sharing of information is currency , and those companies and individuals who are good at it will succeed in today ’ s marketplace .”
Mobilizing The Next Generation of Workers
Making the most of emerging technology will require attracting a new workforce . “ We are seeing a shift in the needs of our supply chain clients ,” says Hadhazy . “ They are looking for new skill sets , especially from young workers .”
She points out that attracting these young workers will require understanding what they want from a job . “ Korn Ferry sponsored a study of young professionals in the supply chain with the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals ( CSCMP ) and Penske Logistics ,” says Hadhazy . “ We tapped into those young professionals and asked what they would be looking for in supply chain types of roles . What attracted them was the flexibility of work . Those with advanced degrees don ’ t necessarily want to work in an office . They do want strong ties to managers that they can touch base with , but not necessarily in a traditional office environment . “
She points out that just because these young professionals don ’ t want to come into the office five days a week , they still need mentoring . “ Young professionals need a mentor of some sort . They need connections to some advancement within the organization . And that comes from a personal relationship with a manager . The challenge is finding ways to develop them when they are not
fall 2023 I customized logistics & delivery Magazine 37