CLDA 2024 Summer-Final | Page 43

Social Media – Paving the Way for the Warmest of Leads
Burns sees social media as one of the most potent ways for those in the last mile to attract and retain customers . “ How else are you going to gain this kind of exposure for your business ? “ he asks . “ I think it ’ s a close second to meeting people one-on-one through the CLDA , trade shows and conferences . It ’ s so much better than cold calling . It ’ s better than warm calling . Because what social media does is bring the prospect to you . I ’ ve always thought that if someone comes to me , I ’ ve got a much higher chance of closing them than if I had to hunt them down . They ’ ve already got a level of trust because they ’ ve made that first outreach . Those
are the prospects who become your customers and then your champions . They become the advocates for your business . This is the power of social media !” CLDA
Jason Burns is the CLDA ’ s immediate past president and a principal with the CUI Agency , specializing in risk management / insurance solutions for those in the final-mile . Want to know more about how those in the final-mile can attract and retain customers with social media ? Reach out to him at jburns @ cuiagency . com and follow him on LinkedIn . summer 2024 I customized logistics & delivery Magazine 43