CLDA 2024 Summer-Final | Page 30

apologetic , and don ’ t be defensive . Most of the time , it should be something like , “ Thank you for bringing this to our attention . We honor and value customer feedback .” We know how you respond to negative reviews can turn people around . Negative reviews aren ’ t necessarily the kiss of death . It ends up being beneficial , especially if you respond correctly to them , and reviews and responses with keyword-rich content help your business ’ s SEO ( search engine optimization ).
Interestingly , the majority of the time , when people leave a bad review , they ’ re not necessarily trying to be mean or vindictive . They just want somebody to listen to them . And they want to hide behind the keyboard to do it . So we ’ re going to give them that outlet . Because if you have a customer who ’ s not happy , you want to know , right ? So get the feedback , and then you can address it and turn them back to a great client . Our service captures negative feedback before it goes to a public review site . I have a client in Phoenix who told me that the feature we have that captures negative reviews is one of the biggest reasons he buys our product . He said , “ I get tons of positive reviews with this service . But when I hear a client tell me something ’ s wrong , I can turn them around and keep them , and they ’ re not bad-mouthing me . I love that .”
CLDA Mag : If you get a good review , how can you make the most of it ?
Lickliter : We suggest you publish them on your Facebook account and on your website . If you work with a reputation management company like ours , you can set things up so positive reviews automatically go to a testimonial page on your site . Whether
they come from the Better Business Bureau , Yelp , Facebook or Google , your website will continue to receive only four — or five-star reviews .
CLDA Mag : Sum things up for us . List your best pieces of advice when it comes to reviews .
Lickliter : Okay . Here you go :
• Claim your Google Business Profile page .
• Claim your pages on the free review sites : Facebook , Yelp and Better Business Bureau .
• Ask for reviews .
• Put review capability on your site .
• Put a system in place so you can easily and frequently ask your customers for reviews in a non-threatening way .
• Make it easy for them to click a button and leave a review
• Response to every review - good or bad
• Publish the four and five-star reviews on your website and social media .
• Make sure your reviews are current . If they are older than three months , they ’ re no longer relevant .
CLDA Mag : Leave us with final thoughts about the importance of reviews for last-mile providers .
Lickliter : Carriers that pay attention to this issue and use reviews to their benefit will be way ahead of the game . We ’ ve worked for several couriers , and I will tell you , those who embrace these ideas will have an advantage over those who don ’ t . If everybody in your industry is not doing it and you are , imagine the increase in revenues this could provide ! Jump on it now and seize the competitive advantage it brings ! CLDA
30 customized logistics & delivery Magazine I summer 2024