CLDA 2024 Spring-FINAL 2 | Page 58

Association News

Call for Volunteers

Our association thrives on the dedication and passion of our volunteers . Whether you ’ re a seasoned member or new to the community , we invite you to get involved and make a difference . In an effort to better utilize our volunteers ’ time and expertise , we have streamlined the committees . With clear charges and better alignment to the Associations needs , check out one of the following committees :
• Final Mile Forum Committee
• Fall Event Committee
• Membership Committee
• Government Affairs Committee To learn more about each committee and submit your interest in participating , please visit clda . org / about-clda / committees /. CLDA

State Carrier Association Collaborations

Collaboration is key to our success , and we are excited to announce new collaborations with state organizations . These collaborations will enable us to amplify our impact , share resources , and advocate for our shared goals on a larger scale .
To kick off our first collaboration this year , CLDA will be joining the California Delivery Association ( CDA ) in June 2024 . Look for more details on the website on how you can join CLDA leaders in California at clda . org / education-events /. Stay tuned on more state collaborations in the future . If your state has an association that would like to collaborate with CLDA , let us know ! CLDA

Save the Date for 2025 Final Mile Forum

Mark your calendars for the highly anticipated 2025 Final Mile Forum ! This flagship event brings together industry leaders , key decisionmakers , and key stakeholders to explore innovations , best practices , and solutions for the final mile delivery ecosystem . Join us for engaging discussions , networking opportunities , and insights that will shape the future of our industry . More details , including registration information and the event agenda , will be announced later this year . CLDA

CLDA Education Webinar Series

Knowledge is power , and our year-long webinar series is designed to empower our members with valuable insights and skills . From industry trends to professional development topics , each webinar will feature industry-related speakers and interactive sessions . Don ’ t miss this opportunity to expand your knowledge and network . Keep an eye on your inbox for registration details and the schedule of upcoming webinars . You can register for all of the webinars at once and never miss a single one on the website at clda . org / event / 2024-webinar-series-accelerating-organizational-agility /. CLDA
58 customized logistics & delivery Magazine I SPRING 2024