CLDA 2024 Spring-FINAL 2 | Page 51

A Vision for the Next 12 Months
Pinsky has big plans for the association , which he discussed when he took the stage at the Final Mile Forum . As he said then , “ We are embarking on a journey together . My goal for my time in office is for members ’ ROI to be higher than you could ever imagine . I hope to grow member value , increase member benefits , increase networking opportunities throughout the year , grow this association ’ s recognition on Capitol Hill , and mentor the growth of upand-coming executives in our industry .”
Speaking about the association ’ s legislative efforts , Pinsky is passionate about protecting the industry : “ Whether it ’ s defending the IC model , affecting the tax laws that impact our members or working with the TSA on air cargo issues , we ’ ll do whatever it takes to do things that are good for the industry and our members .”
He is also interested in finding ways to bring younger people into logistics . “ I ’ d like to create a national internship program so that the colleges could connect with the association ,” he says . “ It would be great if the association could pair our members with students who want to intern in our field . That way , industry veterans can help grow the next generation of leaders in our industry . There are a lot of supply chain programs going on now that didn ’ t exist when I was coming up in the industry . But today , those opportunities are out there . We need to seize them .”
In addition , he ’ s hoping to engage the younger members of the association . “ I ’ d like to see us do a young executives ’ group , something that connects them with mentors . I ’ d like to see those young executives be able to network amongst their peers and learn together so they can take up the leadership of this industry . Perhaps we can match some industry veterans with young up-and-coming logistics pros . Many of our younger members grew up in businesses that their families started . For them , getting advice from those outside the family would be useful . Conversation without talking to your dad , mom , sister , or brother is helpful . Getting perspective from somebody outside the organization who has industry experience without any bias is good . We ’ ve got to have that deep bench of next-level executives . We have a lot of industry veterans in our organization . The more we can help these younger industry members , the better .”
An Open Door
Pinsky sees his position as president as one that opens the door to new ideas from the members : “ I want the membership to know that I have an opendoor policy . If you have an idea or want to connect to someone because you want to learn something from them , contact me . If you see things that you think would be beneficial for our members ., I want to know about it .”
Onward and Upward
Pinsky sees the motto for his presidency as Onward and Upward . “ I truly have a passion for our industry and a passion for our organization ,” he says . “ I want to do whatever I can to make it better . I ’ m ready to harness that passion for taking the CLDA Onward and Upward !” CLDA
Do you want to share your ideas with Joel ? Reach out to him at President @ clda . org
spring 2024 I customized logistics & delivery Magazine 51