CLDA 2024 FALL_WINTER Magazine | Page 52

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Technology platforms have evolved within the transportation segment . From four-way cameras to telematics to geo-fencing and more , today ’ s transportation companies have robust options for technology services .
today ’ s transportation companies have robust options for technology services .
These tech platforms make it easier for final-mile companies to document everything . Things like driver performance , speeding , breaking habits and in-cab performance are all right at the fingertips of delivery companies . These can help curb accident frequency . Route optimization software and geo-fencing can play a pivotal role in ensuring drivers are dispatched e ! ciently without sacrificing safety . Real-time data and analytics can help create seamless coordination between dispatchers and drivers , enhancing a delivery company ’ s safety culture .
CLDA Mag : What misconceptions do last-mile providers have about these issues that could be incredibly damaging to their businesses next year ?
Paulozzi : Regarding technology , particularly four-way or in-cab cameras , delivery companies have always been concerned about an invasion of drivers ’ privacy . They are also worried about a driver being caught on camera doing something wrong at the time of an accident . While those are valid concerns , proving a driver was doing the right things at the time of an incident certainly outweighs the potential downside . It is better to know something at the time of loss rather than for it to come out during a trial . Having all the facts upfront can affect how the delivery company and insurer attack a particular incident . Often , when a claimant makes a case against a courier company , their attorney will try to create the “ reptilian effect .” That means they will try to make the transportation company look like the bad guy to a jury . This can become a very pointed game of “ he said , she said .” Without some form of proper documentation , the courier will have a hard time proving that they have been doing all they can to run a beneficial and safe business . This is where having these tech platforms , such as telematics and four-way cameras , can become beneficial . They can demonstrate to a jury the driving habits of the person at the wheel leading up to the crash , the driver ’ s level of focus on the roadway and what was happening in front of the driver that led to the accident . This can be well-documented with telematics and camera software monitoring in and outside the cab . That can be very beneficial to help pin down the facts of the accident and help hold off a claimant ’ s attorney from worsening the elements of the case .
CLDA Mag : What should those in the industry do to start planning to help control their risks and , ultimately , their insurance costs ?
Paulozzi : There is no time like the present to start reviewing the systems in place . How are they being implemented ? Are they being followed , and by whom ? What are they doing to stay on top of the changing technology landscape ? The days of taking the “ ostrich in the sand approach ” and hoping for good results are over . Technological improvements and the ease with which they can be implemented have created a safety culture that should be a vital component of your operation .
Remember , insurance is all about the long game . Today ’ s rates are set based on the sins of the past . Rate-setting is still based on when these tech-
fall / winter 2024 I customized logistics & delivery Magazine 51