Clay Times Back Issues Vol. 21 Issue 99 - Winter/Spring 2015 | Page 21

“ What drives me to procrastinate is bookwork and taxes .”

Dealing with Procrastination

I interviewed clay people about their procrastination issues for these two columns , then proceeded to procrastinate heavily before completing the first column (!) This second column includes three more interviews , summarizes some interesting Website info on procrastination , and offers links to some of the most helpful Websites , featuring Jerry Seinfeld ’ s system to avoid procrastination ...
Bill Griffith , Assistant Director of Programs at Arrowmont , Tennessee
“ I can say I am never going to procrastinate again , and then I do . In my early years at Arrowmont I procrastinated because of a lack of confidence . Now in later years I finally really know the mechanics of things , so I can slide a little and make it all work . I used to procrastinate from fear and now I procrastinate some from confidence that I know what needs to be done . Early on it was daunting to plan a conference but now I don ’ t worry as much . I do put off doing my taxes because it is boring .
I think the reason I procrastinate in my artistic life is because I can ’ t procrastinate in my administrative job at Arrowmont . I simply have to get all the teachers hired . Sometimes I put off having a social life because in some ways I am creating the whole programming for the school and it feels like a lot of pressure .”
Alex Irvine , Sculptor and Tile Muralist
“ I have made strides in not procrastinating since art school . It was just ridiculous in art school . I put so much off and I have gotten a lot better . I do still procrastinate working on my Website . Things I like to do like pressing tiles and making molds I can do endlessly and not procrastinate . But the thing I put off most of all are bills and taxes .
I generally do things at the last minute . I have been really good and bad about that . I am especially organized and get all my ducks in a row when I am excited about something .
One thing I avoided too much was testing glazes for acid rain resistance
for an outdoor mural in Asheville that I did with Kathi Triplett . I was about to glaze and install and I still hadn ’ t tested for acid rain . Someone said to definitely test the glaze I was planning to use . The glaze substantially changed overnight from the acid in the lemon slice placed on top of the fired glaze .
One thing I have learned is I can ’ t procrastinate on applying for new public art projects because I need to have the next project lined up when the one I am working on ends . I have learned that the hard way .”
Anthony Schaller , Owner Schallergallery . com
“ I don ’ t go nuts anymore when artists are late . I figure it is part of the beast . I have dropped artists who drove me so nuts with not sending work so I had to stop working with them . What drives me to procrastinate is bookwork and taxes .
I plan shows in spurts and get things ready . I think I procrastinate on communications with the artists . Then some things just sort

“ What drives me to procrastinate is bookwork and taxes .”

— Anthony Schaller [ & the rest of us ! ]
of happen . There was the artist who forgot a show . I had the postcards made and he was one of the people in the show and he totally forgot so that ended our relationship . It is frustrating when you ask an artist for a bio or a résumé and you never get it .
continued on next page
Perspectives I Beneath the Surface CLAYTIMES · COM n WINTER / SPRING 2015