Clay Times Back Issues Vol. 1 Issue 1 • Dec 1995 | Page 2

Ron Meyers: 30 Years . . . . . 4
New Pottery Books . . . . . . . .3
Bisque in a Raku Kiln? . . . . . .6
Working with Different Bats .7
Tips & Techniques:
The Slurry Bucket . . . . . . . . .7
Soda Firing at Frostburg
State University . . . . . . . . . .8
Barium Glaze Hazards . . . . .11
Majolica Methodology . . . . .13

We’re pleased to introduce you to
Clay Times. In this issue, we hope you’ll
enjoy our selection of pottery news &
features, practical tips & techniques, and
useful information designed to offer you
inspiration and assistance in your clay
studio or classroom.

What is Clay Times?
Previously known as The Claytime
Companion, we’ve been publishing since
February ’95. This marks our 11th monthly edition. Following overwhelming positive response and encouragement from
our readers, we are offering this expanded version of our publication in fullcolor, with advertising support from
clay-related suppliers and services.
Please take this opportunity to review
Clay Times, then let us hear your comments. Our publication is designed to be
of service to you in the areas of wheelthrowing, handbuilding, glazing, firing,
studio health & safety issues, equipment concerns, and small business

What You Can Expect
In the coming months, we’ll feature
articles like next month’s interview with
clay master Don Reitz by Atlanta potter
Rick Berman, our associate editor. A
behind-the-scenes look by Robert and
Maureen Dolan at their handmade pottery tool-making business will also be
featured in January. Join us in that same
edition for a tour of Seagrove, NC: the
small southern town which boasts more
than 70 potteries. Also look for regular
ceramic book reviews by Steve Branfman
of The Potter’s Shop and School in
Needham Heights, MA, plus answers to
kiln/firing questions by Marc Ward of
Ward Burner Systems, Dandridge, TN.
Glaze recipes and technique-oriented
articles like next month’s tips for wheelthrowing can be found in every issue.

Something for Potters at All Levels

Equipment Concerns

Whether you’re an experienced professor of college-level ceramics, a professional studio potter, or a beginning student of clay, you can expect to find new
and inspiring stories and ideas in each
monthly edition of Clay Times. Of emphasis will be articles which offer the howtos behind featured projects, so you can
try the techniques you read about in your
own studio or classroom.

Feature stories on what to look for
when buying pottery supplies and equipment will appear frequently. To locate
new and used pottery supplies and
equipment, browse through the advertisements which appear throughout. If
you decide to respond to an ad, please let
our advertisers know you found them in
Clay Times – they’ve helped make distribution of this full-color edition possible.

Coverage of Recent Clay Events

This is Your Forum...

You’ll also find up-to-date coverage
of recent clay events and workshops
across the U.S. and elsewhere, such as
our article on a recent Steven Hill workshop to be featured in our next (January)
issue. Hosts of upcoming workshops and
conferences are invited to share their stories with us whenever possible.

Clay Times has been created to offer
you an opportunity to network with fellow clay artists and benefit from each
other’s advice. Do you have a particular
area of expertise you’d like to share with
10,000 readers? If so, we’d love to hear
from you. Our monthly issues will not
only feature articles by our regular contributing writers, but freelance submissions, too. A list of writers’/photographers’ guidelines is available on request.

Business News
If you run a pottery business, you’ll
appreciate articles on subjects like tax
record-keeping, studio maintenance,
building your own displays & display
furnishings, and dealing with galleries.

Useful Educational Material

If you’re an educator, you’re bound
to enjoy our master potter profiles: interviews with the ceramics field’s most celebrated artists. You’ll also find Clay Times
a great source of new ideas. Even the
most complex subjects will be explained
in a reader-friendly fashion, to assist you
in presenting material to your students in
a way they’ll quickly comprehend.

Studio Health & Safety
Monona Rossol, president of Arts,
Crafts, and Theatre Safety (ACTS), will
share her expertise via a regular column
on studio health and safety concerns to
keep you up-to-date on the latest findings which affect the way you work.

To subscribe to Clay Times, just fill
out and mail the card which appears
between pages 8 and 9. There you’ll also
find a mail-in card to send a free sample
edition to a friend or colleague. Again,
we hope you’ll
contact us with
your comments,
questions, and
suggestions, so
that we may
design each
monthly edition
to reflect your
direct needs and
interests in the
exciting world
of clay. Enjoy!

– Polly Beach, Editor