--classstrugggle-flipmag CS May-2019 MKP | Page 7

the profits of US monopolies and to weaken the rival powers. Without doubt the ultra- nationalist and fiercely counter- revolutionary politics of Trump favour the spread of this poison in other countries. In Germany the party of the extreme right, nationalist and fascist, the AFD (Alternative For Germany), is now the third largest parliamentary party. In Italy the nationalist beast, which sees its most violent expression in the fascist groups, is again raising its head with demagogic arguments against immigrants and the “national humiliation”. In social-imperialist China too, great-State chauvinism has become so aggressive that the revisionist CPC (which has always revealed openly nationalist positions internally) is having difficulty controlling that trend, after having favoured it for decades, especially in school-programs, in which millions of children daily receive massive doses of patriotic education in order to undo the humiliation of foreign occupation and to exalt the Han nationality. Vladimir Putin is also a nationalist; he is championing a Russia characterized by a mix of Slavic tradition and orthodox Christianity. The nature and aims of bourgeois nationalism Bourgeois nationalism is an aggressive policy of the ruling class in the sphere of the internal relations of their national States and towards other nations that has its basis in the exploitation of the working class, the rivalry between capitalists and the subjugation of oppressed countries. The development of bourgeois nationalism has many definite manifestations and consequences in the field of the home and foreign policy of the imperialist and capitalist countries. April, May - 2019 First, it is a tool in the hands of the exploiting and reactionary classes to divide and corrupt the working class, prevent its union to demolish capitalism, undermine the solidarity of the workers and the peoples with lethal prejudices. Second, it is a means for the preservation and strengthening of capitalism and the bourgeois dictatorship, where a small handful of profit-makers rules society and uses the State machine to crush the working people. Third, bourgeois nationalism creates a sharper international situation and increases the danger of new armed conflicts between imperialist and capitalist powers. It is one of the deadliest weapons in the hands of the most reactionary, chauvinist and warmongering elements of financial capital, it represents their interests, to advance their policy of war against the workers and peoples. This political ideology, under whatever mask it hides, from the demagogy of national honour to the respect of the “rights” of the stronger nations, is always connected to the robber’s war of imperialism. It is a direct impulse to militarism, to rearmament, to neocolonialism, to annexations, to the affirmation of the supremacy of the stronger nations; therefore it is a powerful motivator for oppression and genocide against other peoples. It is an integral part of the preparation of the masses for a war aiming at a new division of the world and to prevent the develop- ment of a large anti-imperialist movement. Today, just as yesterday, bourgeois chauvinism is a dangerous menace to the working class and the oppressed peoples. In a situation of worsening inter-imperialist contradictions, the bourgeoisie of the ruling powers regards the “defence of the national interests” as the pretext for conducting a criminal policy of oppression and exploitation of its own peoples, and of despoliation and enslavement of other peoples. Therefore, the chauvinism of the imperialist and capitalist countries, the spur to organize the class around national institutions and the “fatherland” of the exploiters, will be increasingly the fundamental nucleus of any bourgeois policy. Some characteristics of the present bourgeois nationalism Although bourgeois nationa- lism is a phenomenon that has different conditions and takes specific forms in various countries, reflecting the positions of the reactionary classes, their interests, the traditions and tactics in the struggles against their enemies inside and outside, etc., it is still possible to point out, especially in the imperialist and capitalist countries governed by reactionary, populist and militarist parties, some common elements of this tendency. • A growing economic protectionism and commercial obstructionism (duties, protective rules, state intervention, etc.), to control the means of production, help the national enterprises and prevent the penetration of other States into the internal market, in the conditions of a constriction of world trade and in the conditions of a merciless competition among international monopolies and imperialist countries. • The recovery of the national “greatness” and sovereignty against the “globalization of the markets”, the hostility towards the supranational institutions of financial capital that limit or remove powers, resources and spaces for the dominant classes of various countries. • The tendency to ignore laws, treaties and international agreements (political, commercial, juridical, etc.), 7