If we improve our listening, we will improve our speaking since, we will be able to capture the necessary information to be able to intervene in a conversation. Surely sometimes we do not understand what they are talking about and we end up as a respondent the first thing that crosses our mind. Well, all these problems are solved if we work on the ability to listen and it is very easy to do it, many times we find ourselves in public spaces listening to irrelevant things for us, well, connect your headphones and listen to a good song in English.
As we saw previously, listening helps us improve more than one skill. Listening can be very useful and interesting since it makes life easier in certain aspects. ¨a language modality. It is one of the four skills of a language i.e. listening, speaking, reading and writing. It involves an active involvement of an individual. Listening involves a sender, a message and a receiver.
It is the psychological process of receiving, attending to constructing meaning from and responding to spoken and/or nonverbal messages. ¨ (Tyagi, 2013, p 01) So listening is the ability to listen to messages emitted by a speaker in a specific context. Teachers can work at school in two ways, intensive and extensive listening, the latter refers to listening which the students often do away from the classroom, for pleasure or some other reason. Intensive listening is different from extensive listening in that students listen specifically in order to work on listening skills, and in order to study the way in which English is spoken (Harmer 2007)
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