Chaz Anestos
What do you collect?
I collect primarily 1970s and early 1980s Nike,
typically made in the USA and Japan. I have a
few models from the mid 1980s and some from
the early 1990 that I feel played a part in my
childhood and bring back memories of when I
was growing up. Other than that, I try to stick to
those mentioned; otherwise, it’s easy to be buy-
ing way too much.
Why do you collect these specific running
At first, it was simply for the aesthetic and rarity
and having a pair of shoes nobody else around
me did. Once I started running in high school
and on into college, I gained a bigger apprecia-
tion for these early running shoes and how much
they played a part in developing what I was wear-
ing when I competed.
How many pieces are in your collection?
I haven’t done an inventory in a while, but I
would say I have roughly two hundred pairs of
shoes and about the same number of t-shirts,
along with some old windbreakers, jackets, and
Do you have a favorite piece?
It’s hard to narrow it down to a simple favorite.
I have some PE’s and SMU colorways that have
come from family or friends of the original own-
When did you first start collecting?
er, and when you get something that has a story
During middle school, I snagged a pair of early
1980s Nike Villages from my dad. Then it was an and meaning, it really adds to the passion. On the
old Nike gym bag with the cursive swoosh. Peo- other hand, having simply a rare pair that nobody
ple always asked me about them and where I got else has is a great feeling. I think whenever I get
them. I think from there, it started building. I was something like that, it’s my favorite pair until the
kind of known as the person with cool shoes and next one comes along. Then the cycle continues.
old Nike stuff. Soon afterwards, I started buying
them simply because I appreciated them for what What’s the rarest piece in collection?
they were, even if they weren’t in my size or style. I just received it in the mail yesterday. A pair of
Nike Cross Country racing flats from the early
1970s. They are pretty plain white canvas with
a blue swoosh and the Marathon soles, but I’ve
only seen one other pair, and they are easily one
of the rarest I have.
Why Nike and why vintage?
I think growing up, Nike was just the brand
around me that all my friends and I wore. My
dad got into the vintage clothing business when I
was just a baby, so I was always getting hand-me-
Volume 2 | | Classic Kicks | 23