Classic Console Magazine #1 2014 | Page 20

TOPTEN>> NES GAMES OF ALL TIME 10 09 10 // CONTRA This classic run and gun action game by Konami set the bar very high for platforming shooting games. This is also an arcade port and an excellent one at that. Many titles on the NES copied Contra's formula, but none are as good as the original. 09 // KIRBY's ADVENTURE 08 07 Who doesn't love Kirby? He's cute, cuddly, can fly.. and EAT YOU! Not only can he eat you, but he can absorb your powers and use those against the enemy onslaught. Try that Mario! 08 // CASTLEVANIA III: DRACULA's CURSE By far the best Castlevania game on NES, This game is actually a prequel to the original Castlevania, and unlike the RPG based gameplay of #2, this is a platform game. 07 // MIKE TYSON's PUNCHOUT 06 05 This game at the time revolutionized boxing games which before that pretty much sucked.. (Atari's Boxing anyone?) Fantastic characters make this one great. 06 // MICRO MACHINES One of the most imaginative games of all time and a favorite amongst racing game enthusiasts. Whether it is racing across the breakfast table or around the bath tub drain in little boats, this one rocks! 05 // MEGA MAN 2 The best selling Mega Man title of all time. This one took everything to the next level. Audio, visual and gameplay, this game is the whole package. 20 | classic console