Classic Chev Magazine's
Staff Members
The owners and creators of Classic Chev Magazine have been co-owners of many different group pages over IMVU and friends both in and out of the virtual world for over 20 years. SterbenDuhk (Sam) had thought up the idea and tossed it around her head for about six months before coming around to lCainl (Lance) and speaking about it. Within the first mention of having an international, global virtual magazine was brought forth to the man, he knew it had to be created. It had to be done. And so, here we have the first ever issue of Classic Chev Magazine avilable with many more issues to come.
"In this day and age, it's nice to
have a place were all ages can
go, flip through with just a click of
the button, and be informed on what's
what in this world. Both in and
outside of our virtual world!"