Class Offerings Class Offerings 2017-18 | Page 14

Our Classes Add your name to the Interest List English Language Classes Basic Literacy English Classes Literacy and Skills Orientation A Location: Harvard Street Campus The foundational literacy and skills classes provide the building blocks for a solid base aimed ultimately at career development and advancement. Classes are grounded in practical context-based learning that prepares students for everyday situations in the United States. Students in Orientation A learn the basics of the English language starting with the alphabet and letter sounds. Literacy skills (reading and writing) are the primary focus. This class is designed for students who may be learning to read and write for the first time or who have had limited schooling in their home countries. Content includes: learning the alphabet and practicing the production of sounds, words, and phrases. Classes have a low teacher-to-student ratio, as well as teacher aides to provide individualized assistance. Requirements: - English language placement test Overall the curriculum encompasses: soft skills, health and wellness, consumer education, parenting and family skills, math and technology concepts, digital literacy, the rights and responsibilities of citizens, multicultural awareness and appreciation, and participation in the democratic process. The majority of these classes require proof of DC residency. For a list of approved documents click here. Orientation B Location: Harvard Street Campus Students in Orientation B learn the basics of the English language starting with the alphabet and letter sounds. This will allow them to move on to basic grammar, reading skills, writing, speaking, and listening. Literacy skills (reading and writing) are the primary focus. This class is designed for students who may not have completed high school in their home countries. Requirements: - English language placement test Career Training The career training classes, offered through three academies, provide theoretical and hands-on learning geared toward English language learners. The classes teach students industry skills in high-growth, high demand fields and are augmented by field experience opportunities and connections to industry leaders. Graduates of these classes earn industry standard certificates that help them enter into family-sustaining careers and climb career ladders. Beginner Level English Classes ESL 1-3 Life Skills Location: Harvard Street Campus Students in the beginning ESL classes learn basic vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, listening strat