Class Offerings Class Offerings 2017-18 | Page 12

Registration happens twice a year in August and January. Applicants must be Washington, D.C. residents to register. Below is a list of documents that can be used as proof you live in D.C. Applying for Classes All documents must include the student’s name and current DC home address The application process for classes happens twice a year: August and February. All applicants wanting to register need to come to the school in person. No one can register for another individual. Interested applicants should add their name and contact information to the interest list to receive information about upcoming registration events. Students can also find application information at Please bring the following to apply: Official unexpired government ID (Passport or DC driver’s license) DC Residency documents (click here for a list of documents) $20 ID fee Contact us for more information: Harvard Street Campus Hours: Telephone: 202-797-4700 ext 240 Email: [email protected] Monday-Thursday Friday 8:00am-8:30pm 8:00am-4:00pm Sonia Gutierrez Campus Hours: Monday-Thursday Friday Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School | Class Offerings 2017-2018 8:00am-8:30pm 8:00am-4:00pm A complete list of documents is available at Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School | Class Offerings 2016-2017