Clariant South Africa (Pty) Ltd 1 | Page 25

Clariant: SA - Energy Management Services Progress Report PIETERMARTIZBURG Location Account No Supplier Service Under-Charge : 1 Albert Road, Pietermaritzburg : 00196262 :uMsunduzi Municipality Msunduzi :Sewerage Sewerage : R1, 026.63 1, AUDIT FINDINGS: As part of our audit we verify the monthly costing from the metering to the final charges inclusive of VAT for errors of a financial interpretative and/or clerical nature. Under-Charge: Based on the bills received to date, we have identified under charges in the amount of R1, 026.63. They under-charges are for the following months: July’2012 Dec Feb’2013 R 11.98 R 823.49 R 191.16 We have not addressed this with Council but suggest you make provision/accrue for the under ddressed under-charge should the bill be corrected at some point. Furthermore we assessed your rate against other rate options available to you, and you are currently on the most cost effective tariff available. We will however re-asses this account on a continuous basis and inform you of any saving possibilities asses if/where applicable. All Rights Reserved | EMS Division SA | Chris Heunis Page | 24