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North Cedar Plans New Track Surface
A Note From NC Athletic Director , Bill Bails
This is something that is near and dear to my heart , as I am a life long resident of Stanwood and I can remember when we built the track that we have now ( 1977 ). I was also a track coach at Lincoln / North Cedar for 21 yrs ., retiring in 2007 !
As a group , we looked long and hard at all the possibilities . We came to the conclusion that putting it in Stanwood was the most viable option . Talking with Fisher Industries , who are the preeminent track builders in Iowa , the decision was made to put it in Stanwood because the footprint is there and with budgets as tight as they are , there was really no other choice . We decided to go with 6 lanes because it fits physically and financially . If we had decided on 8 lanes , well , it wouldn ' t be in Stanwood and you would be looking at costs of well over what we can afford . We would have had to purchase land and , frankly , it is nice to see the North Cedar Community invest in the Stanwood facilities , that have been neglected for several years .
With a 6 lane all-weather track we can host up to 12 teams ( boys and girls ) and within a year of having it completed , we should be able to get back into the rotation to host at least 5 meets a year ! The only thing we can ' t do with a 6 lane track is host a district meet that might come around every 5 to 6 years ! And , even if an 8 lane track would fit in Stanwood , the cost would have been some where around $ 100,000 more than what a 6 lane cost .
In talking with Fisher Industries , they are working on getting bids for the different phases of the track project and there is a possibility that work can be started later this summer or early this fall and weather permitting , it could be done before winter . Now , knowing this , everything has to fall in place perfectly for it to get done in this time frame !!
We anticipate other renovations to follow , such as upgrading of the concession and restroom areas . Having a track that we can hold meets on will bring income from entry fees , gate receipts and concession sales , plus it promotes the North Cedar District as a proactive school district that has the interests of it ' s student / athletes in mind !!! It definitely promotes " Knight Pride "!
Tipton Recreation Schedule
Volleyball ( 3rd – 6th Grade Girls ) Registration : August 5th – 30th Fee : $ 25 per player Practices start : Week of September 9th Season : TBD at Coaches Meeting 3-4 & 5-6 grade will be playing at Wilton , West Liberty , West Branch , NC , or Tipton . Saturdays for 3-4 and Sundays for 5-6 Coaches Meeting : Thursday , September 6th @ Tipton City Hall
Flag Football ( Kindergarten - 6th Grade ) Registration : August 5th – 30th Fee : $ 25 per child Practices start : Week of September 9th Season : September 14th – October 12th Coaches Meeting : Tuesday , September 3rd @ Tipton City Hall Games : Saturdays at fields just east of the Aquatic Center or at Tipton HS
Swimming Lessons ( Level 1 - 3 ) Registration : August 19 - September 13 Fee : $ 35 per child Session : Class meets every Wednesday at 6 pm or Saturday mornings at 9am or 10 am starting Wednesday , Sept . 18 Dates : September 18 - October 26 Sessions will continue throughout the school year . November 6 – December 14 January 8 – February 15 February 19 – April 5 ( No classes the week of Spring Break – March 17 – 21 ) April 9 – May 17