Clarence Cardinal Newlsetter August 2013 | Page 15

The Clarence Community Newsletter is produced online at www . showcase . netins . net / web / clarencecityhall
To contribute content to the newsletter please email to JenMWal @ gmail . com or contact Jen VanOort at PO Box 92 , Clarence , IA or 563-452-2301
The deadline for submissions is by the 20th of the previous month .

Edna Zybell Library News !

By Sandi Brunscheen Library Director
Greetings from the Zybell Library !! Summer is half over and we have just finished our Summer Reading Program ; " Dig Into Reading "! What a great month we had ! There were around 25 - 30 kids that attended the program . The first week we made ants out of egg cartons ! Magician Mike Pretsby came to the Legion and put on a great show for the kids !! We had refreshments provided by the Friends of the Zybell Library !! Then we had our sand art ! It was great to see all the creations they came up with using different colors of sand . Our final week we had our " picnic " at the legion . Not knowing what the weather was going to be like , the gnats , and the rain . I just felt it was much better at the Legion . Lot of room to run and have a good time . I can ' t say enough about my help ! I have four great girls that I think so much of and the help they provide for the library it is truly amazing . Ali Tenley , Taylor Tenley , Brittyn Wilhau , and Macey McAtee . Also , library board members that provided treats for the month , Sue Elijah , Karla Tenley , Becky Bergmann . It was very much appreciated !! Also Alice Covington and Wanda Anderson for helping at the picnic . Always so much easier with more hands to help prepare things . Thank you very much !!!
Also a special thank you to Shirts n Stuff ( Bart and Lisa ) for printing the t- shirts for the program . It really helped a lot !!! It was a huge success . A thank you also goes to the Legion for letting the library use the upstairs for our program . It was so much easier and more room for the kids to have fun . Thanks everyone for all you did ! It was very much appreciated ! Our book study group is still meeting the Second Tuesday of the month . We just finished reading " Hattie Big Sky " by Kirby Larson ! What a great book . This month we are reading " Turtle Moon " by Alice Hoffman . Nothing to do on a Tuesday night , join us for a fun evening ! Plans continue for our new library . Donations have been coming in but more are ALWAYS greatly appreciated . If you want more information on what is going on with the new library building or have questions about the project , please stop in and we can visit with you about it !! We have been given four new computers and furniture with a couple of grants that Cedar County group ap- plied for . ( Eight libraries within our county received two computers ) and the other grant from the Library also got two and workstations for the computers , shelving and furniture . So we will be busy in the next month or so putting all this together and trying to find space for all of this !! New movies have come in ( The Call , A Good Day to Die Hard , Identity Thief , The Host ). Also books are being purchased each week for the library . For everyone ' s information we are providing postage stamps at the library . So if the post office is not open , stop in and purchase your stamps . We have been very busy this summer and it is always a good thing for kids to come to the library , read a book , color pictures just visit and have a good time . Enjoy the rest of your summer , stop in and take a look around at the library . Lots of things to offer here . Even grab a mint or a lollipop !!! Great time at the library !!! Happy Reading !
© 2013 Jen VanOort