City Wide Garage Sales
May 3rd
Join the Fun at Heartland Sports Complex
Dodgeball league is starting up
along with Adult Volleyball!
Dodge Ball League-Sunday nights, starting April 27May 18, 6:30-7:30pm, cost is $5
per person, free to members,
teams of 6-10 people, kid &
adult teams welcome, come out
for a fun night!
Adult volleyball
league, Sunday nights, June 1July 6, cost is $10 per person,
free to members, teams of 6-8,
sign up at the Heartland Sports
Complex or by calling 886-1505
4 on 4 youth volleyball league, 5
weeks, Middle School (5-8th
grade) will play on Monday nights, High school teams
(9th-12th grade) will play on
Sunday nights, this is open to
male & female teams, can have
as many on a team as you want,
but only 4 on the court at a
time, will schedule teams
against like teams, cost is $10
per person for the league,
members are FREE. Sign up
your team at the Heartland
Sports Complex.
Fitness Classes starting midApril!
Starting midApril.