it ’ s toxic : air pollution is linked to 1 in 8 premature deaths around the world .
( world health organisation , 2014 )
Breathing polluted air causes heart attacks , strokes and lung cancer . It makes respiratory conditions such as asthma and bronchitis worse .
Air pollution costs European citizens
1.5 billion euros every year .
( world health organisation , 2015 )
92 % of the world population are exposed to harmful levels of air
pollution .
( world health organisation , 2016 )
Air pollution in the city
What ’ s happening to our cities ? What ’ s the problem with the air we breathe ? What could our cities do differently ?
And how does it relate to climate change ?
Some measures like encouraging biofuels and diesel vehicles are good for reducing carbon emissions but bad for air pollution .
92 % of Europeans think that climate change is a “ serious
problem ”.
( eurostat , 2015 )