ClairCity newsletter ClairCity newsletter December 2019 | Page 4
Aveiro Regional Congress & ClairCity Day
The Aveiro region recently gathered
for their Annual Congress. Seen as the
region’s most pressing issue, mobility
and its implications for the environment
and urban spaces was top of the agenda.
Mobility - a hot topic
On 16th October, 230 delegates from across the region
gathered at the two-day Annual Congress for the Aveiro
Region. Citizens, municipal and intermunicipal
representatives, associations, businesses, mobility, energy
and transport, as well as health professionals and
educators all joined in the lively debates and engaging
exhibitions, including one by our ClairCity Aveiro team.
Our colleague Vera Rogrigues presented the ClairCity
project before the regional team co-hosted an exhibition
during the ClairCity Regional Day. The purpose of the
exhibition was to allow the dissemination of examples of
good practices of projects and services from each of the
eleven municipalities in the region, covering the
environment (carbon footprint reduction, air quality),
ClairCity’s exhibition was well attended.
mobility (pedestrian, cycling, electric cars), climate change
adaptation, health and wellbeing, and energy efficiency.
Several recommendations emerged during the conference,
including suggestions to: optimise the regions transport
service and intercity mobility network; promote active
travel, particularly among those with reduced mobility;
build bike paths for commuting and promote tele-working;
and improve energy efficiciency and outdated heating in
the residential sector. Recommendations to optimise policy
articulation across levels, controls on agriculture burning
and co-benefits from better air, energy, health and climate
were also put forward.
Many provocations were captured during the course of the
two days and for details of those you can read our blog:
Well done to the Aveiro team for their contributions; it
sounds like a meaningful and solution-focused event!
Vera Rodrigues speaking at the Regional Conference 19.
Website refresh
By now we hope you’ve all had a chance to play
around with the new website - Sophie Laggan (new
Communication Officer) set to work on updating the
site after joining the team in August. Improving
navigability and making our products more visible
was the main goal for the refresh.
So what’s new:
A streamlined home page, with three navigation
Sub-navigation within pages for users to easily
find content most relevant to them
Streamlined city pages
Drop down buttons to ‘read more’ content
The biggest (and perhaps most exciting) change can be
seen on our Take Action page. Here you will see options to
select your user category (e.g. policy makers) and be
navigated to a page relevant to you. Below the question
you can filter all the ClairCity resources, making it easier
for users to access and share all of the materials we’ve
Have a suggestion to make or materials to add to our
library? Please email:
[email protected]